“Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vintage point.”
- Harold B Melchart
Photo by kananaskis_country
Sometimes, we become so focused on where we want to go that we forget to enjoy and appreciate everything around us. This is particularly true when our goals involve making money or paying the bills.Although keeping your goals in sight and maintaining focus on ways to achieve them is important to success, don't forget that without gratitude for what we already have, the journey is incomplete.
Take the time to look around you today, and learn to express your gratitude for all that is good and just in the world. You may not have reached your goals, yet--but there is great beauty and goodness around you, if you but take the time to look.
Resist the urge to think that you'll be happy when you attain your goals. As we learned in "Happy for No Reason" by Marci Schimoff, if we can't experience happiness where we are, we will not experience it by attaining more money or material things. Happiness comes from within when we appreciate what we have already been given. Only then, can we go forth with confidence to attain our goals.
Today, I am grateful for new fallen snow that envelops the world in white, for Christmas lights that twinkle into the night and for the stars in the heavens that perform their own light show. I am grateful for gentle music, purring cats and the sound of the wind.
I am grateful for eyes to see, ears to hear and a mouth to speak. I am grateful for the natural energy to do the things I love, for words that flow easily from my soul and and the ability to change negative thoughts to positive by simply changing my focus.
I am grateful for family, for friends, and for neighbors who keep my world secure, promise a bright future and share my life. I am grateful for opportunities to help others as they meet obstacles in their lives, to share their joy in celebrating their successes and to encourage them when times are tough.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you celebrate all that is good and pleasing in your life today as you work toward your goals.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
We awaken in others the same attitude of mind we hold toward them. ~Elbert Hubbard
Photo by kakisky
It's easy to believe that our attitude would be different, that our lives would be more enjoyable or that we would be better able to reach our goals if those around us would simply get with the program and change their attitudes towards life.
If you are like most people, you have probably experienced days when everything runs smoothly, everyone you meet is in a happy and uplifting mood and life simply flows. You've probably also experienced days when everything goes wrong and those around you are in sour or depressed moods.
You might even be guilty of saying that the moods of others are getting you down.
Consider that your attitude, your mood, your approach toward the day may actually be the attitude that starts it all. Guard your attitudes and outlook carefully today. Consider not how others effect you. Consider how you effect them.
Today, I am grateful for the beginning of a new week, for the energy and commitment to meet my goals. I am grateful for gray skies that remind me that winter will come, for changing seasons that add beauty to our world and for frozen puddles that crackle and pop with my step.
I am grateful for time to complete daily tasks, for cozy evenings to read good books and for the infinite expanse of the Internet filled with wonderful uplifting stories of those who overcome all odds to meet their goals. I am grateful for the ability to filter what I feed my mind, the insight to seek out that which is uplifting and the wisdom to make the right choices.
Am grateful for the people in my life that I call family. For friends who offer support and all the lives that my words touch today.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you guard your attitude well, today and make a positive difference in the world.
It's easy to believe that our attitude would be different, that our lives would be more enjoyable or that we would be better able to reach our goals if those around us would simply get with the program and change their attitudes towards life.
If you are like most people, you have probably experienced days when everything runs smoothly, everyone you meet is in a happy and uplifting mood and life simply flows. You've probably also experienced days when everything goes wrong and those around you are in sour or depressed moods.
You might even be guilty of saying that the moods of others are getting you down.
Consider that your attitude, your mood, your approach toward the day may actually be the attitude that starts it all. Guard your attitudes and outlook carefully today. Consider not how others effect you. Consider how you effect them.
Today, I am grateful for the beginning of a new week, for the energy and commitment to meet my goals. I am grateful for gray skies that remind me that winter will come, for changing seasons that add beauty to our world and for frozen puddles that crackle and pop with my step.
I am grateful for time to complete daily tasks, for cozy evenings to read good books and for the infinite expanse of the Internet filled with wonderful uplifting stories of those who overcome all odds to meet their goals. I am grateful for the ability to filter what I feed my mind, the insight to seek out that which is uplifting and the wisdom to make the right choices.
Am grateful for the people in my life that I call family. For friends who offer support and all the lives that my words touch today.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you guard your attitude well, today and make a positive difference in the world.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
“Dreams are like stars...you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”
Sometimes we think that dreams are just mysterious wishes that pop into our thoughts and our lives for no reason, and treat them as though they are fleeting fancies that belong to the night. Some dreams may be fleeting, but those that linger are given to your for a reason.
Consider the dreams of your heart today. Perhaps you want a better home, a happier lifestyle or perfect health. Develop the courage to Follow Your Dreams because they will lead your where you need to go.
Today, I am grateful for the break of dawn, for the beginning of a new and glorious day, for courage and strength and vision as I go forth into the world today.
I am grateful for the vast universe that inspires awe, for a human body to house my soul and for the smell of rain and the feeling of approaching snow. I am grateful for evergreen trees that stand strong in winter storms.
I am grateful for family that makes my house home, for holidays to call us together and memories that build strong bonds.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your follow your dreams today and learn from them what your need to learn.
Photo by NASA.gov
Consider the dreams of your heart today. Perhaps you want a better home, a happier lifestyle or perfect health. Develop the courage to Follow Your Dreams because they will lead your where you need to go.
Today, I am grateful for the break of dawn, for the beginning of a new and glorious day, for courage and strength and vision as I go forth into the world today.
I am grateful for the vast universe that inspires awe, for a human body to house my soul and for the smell of rain and the feeling of approaching snow. I am grateful for evergreen trees that stand strong in winter storms.
I am grateful for family that makes my house home, for holidays to call us together and memories that build strong bonds.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your follow your dreams today and learn from them what your need to learn.
Photo by NASA.gov
Saturday, November 13, 2010
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.”~ Willie Nelson
Many of us confuse the cause and effect of our attitude-- thinking that what happens in our lives determines our attitude, when in reality our attitudes often dictate what happens in our lives.
Cultivating a positive attitude towards life, and towards ourselves, doesn't eliminate all the negatives in the world, but it does effect how well we deal with them and how much joy we find in our lives.
If you find that difficult to believe, consider for a moment how an entire day can be filled with joyous uplifting experiences while another seems doomed to bad experiences from the moment you awake in the morning.
It's no coincidence that whatever you set your mind upon follows you through your day. You are conditioning your mind to seek out more of the same. You give the directions and your mind dutifully obeys.
If you are a religious person, you already know that God instructs us to renew our minds. "And be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:2.
Isn't it time you renew your mind today and place on focus on all that is good and just in the world?
Today, I am grateful for food to eat, clothes to wear and a home to live in. I am grateful for books to read, words of wisdom and laughter that makes my heart light. I am grateful for giving hearts and caring souls that populate our earth.
I am grateful for new opportunities within my grasp, for the courage and strength to pursue them and the wisdom to discern their worth.
I am grateful for family, for wonderful children who both make me proud, for siblings that make me strong and a life mate that shares my life. I am grateful for my small rural community that keeps me safe, for rolling hills and majestic mountains that beautify the world and ladybugs.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your mind be renewed as you go forward toward your dreams, today.
Photo by where_ever_i_am
Thursday, November 11, 2010
“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”
“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig
photo by kakisky
According to Marci Shimoff author of Happy For No Reason, Americans tend to believe they will be happy if they have more material things. This, however, does not prove to be the case. She cites statistics that over the past 50 years income has increased by more than 2 1/2 times, but the happiness level of Americans has remained the same. Amazingly, over 40 % of the wealthiest American's are "less happy" than the average American.
Believe it or not, once your income level is above $12,000 a year, the amount of money you have does not alter your happiness level. So, what does?
You do. The thoughts you choose to entertain, your ability to express gratitude for what you have and your willingness to give up self-defeating ways of thinking and behaving determines how happy your are.
To be happy, you need to let go of the negative and focus on the positive. One way to do that is to examine your life and express gratitude for what you have. Won't you join me today and take tally of the wonderful things in your life that you are grateful for?
Today, I am grateful for the crystals of ice that form on the car windshield creating a feathery display of artistry. I am grateful for crisp white leaves that crunch beneath my feet, for yellow stars that bid me good morning and for cloudless skies that promise a new day.
I am grateful for lingering geese that have not yet flown south, for busy squirrels that leap from tree to tree and for baby animals that will soon take up their winter's sleep.
I am grateful for a warm home, warm socks and soft pillows on which to rest my head. I am grateful for a sound mind and warm heart to lead me through my day.
I am grateful for family, for friends and for neighbors that give me a foundation for my life. I am grateful for parents who taught me much before they departed from this world, for teachers who guided me along the way and for classmates who helped me find my direction in life.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May your happiness be great as you focus your thoughts on all that is good and just in the world the world today.
photo by kakisky
According to Marci Shimoff author of Happy For No Reason, Americans tend to believe they will be happy if they have more material things. This, however, does not prove to be the case. She cites statistics that over the past 50 years income has increased by more than 2 1/2 times, but the happiness level of Americans has remained the same. Amazingly, over 40 % of the wealthiest American's are "less happy" than the average American.
Believe it or not, once your income level is above $12,000 a year, the amount of money you have does not alter your happiness level. So, what does?
You do. The thoughts you choose to entertain, your ability to express gratitude for what you have and your willingness to give up self-defeating ways of thinking and behaving determines how happy your are.
To be happy, you need to let go of the negative and focus on the positive. One way to do that is to examine your life and express gratitude for what you have. Won't you join me today and take tally of the wonderful things in your life that you are grateful for?
Today, I am grateful for the crystals of ice that form on the car windshield creating a feathery display of artistry. I am grateful for crisp white leaves that crunch beneath my feet, for yellow stars that bid me good morning and for cloudless skies that promise a new day.
I am grateful for lingering geese that have not yet flown south, for busy squirrels that leap from tree to tree and for baby animals that will soon take up their winter's sleep.
I am grateful for a warm home, warm socks and soft pillows on which to rest my head. I am grateful for a sound mind and warm heart to lead me through my day.
I am grateful for family, for friends and for neighbors that give me a foundation for my life. I am grateful for parents who taught me much before they departed from this world, for teachers who guided me along the way and for classmates who helped me find my direction in life.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May your happiness be great as you focus your thoughts on all that is good and just in the world the world today.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Things do not change; we change. ~ Henry David Thoreau
I found the amazing book Happy for No Reason tucked beneath other more popular books at my local store the other day. I haven't read it all, but the first three chapters have me hooked--so I thought I'd take a moment to share with you today.
For those of you who are not aware, Marci Shimoff appeared in The Secret and does motivational speaking across the globe. I expected to hear more of the same, but I got a big surprise. I expected to be told that I needed to do to find true and lasting happiness was to change my thinking--but I found much more.
The first three chapters referenced actual scientific studies that supported the fact that--are you ready--we have a happiness set-point ( much like the weight set point) and no matter what happens in our lives we return to the same level of happiness within a very short period.
Unless you suffer from clinical depression or some other biological disorder, it doesn't matter if the event is positive or negative. As human beings we return to the same point we have spent our whole lives functioning at.
The good news is, we can reset our happiness meter and enjoy peace and happiness we never thought possible.
Isn't that just amazing?
Of course, one of the ways to reset your happiness meter is by expressing your gratitude for the things you already have in your life. Check back tomorrow to see what other amazing things this book has to offer.
Today I am grateful for wide-open fields, scurrying field mice and fall berries that continue to linger until snow. For crisp cold mornings and chimneys that send up a straight gray plume, for golden lights that illuminate distant windows and dog barks that tell me the world is wake.
I am grateful for the distant call of the chickadee that will soon find his way to the feeder, for blue jays that teeter on branches looking for a frozen treat and mourning doves as they draw close for cracked corn.
I am grateful for family and friends who share my world, for old friends who have gone on to their own lives in their own worlds and for future friends whose path I am destined to cross.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your happiness meter remain on full as you go forward to reach your dreams.
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Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things . . .
It is easy to express gratitude when things in your life are running smoothly, but a little more difficult when things get rough. We ha...
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