Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Unless a tree has borne blossoms in spring, you will vainly look for fruit on it in autumn.

We can learn much from nature. To produce fruit, trees require sun, soil, nutrients and water. Planting a seed or tiny sapling is not enough. Without moisture and sun, the seed will not sprout and the sapling will quickly wither and die. 

So too with our dreams and goals. While setting our intentions is important, they must be nurtured and cared for so that they may bear fruit. Without care, our goals and dreams are nothing more than wishes cast to the wind.

  • If your goal is to become more successful in your chosen field, you must also work to build the skills and set the stage for that success. Take a class, make new contacts, get involved in projects that allow you to shine.
  • If you want to earn more money to provide your family with the comforts of life, or want to earn that important promotion, you must be willing to do the work to reach the goal. Become a model employee, treat others with respect and show that you are worthy of promotion. 
  • If you want to improve the relationships in your life nurture those you love, be supportive and show them the love and respect you desire.
The goal or dream doesn't matter. It is the care and feeding of that dream that will bring it to pass. May you find ways to feed and care for your dreams and goals today that they may bear bountiful fruit.

Today, I am grateful for another day to pursue my goals and dreams. I am grateful for steady progress, continued drive, and patience as I watch the seeds grow and bloom that I may enjoy the fruit of my labor. 
I am grateful for sunny days and starry nights, for lightning bugs that flit through open fields, and for daisies waltzing to the summer breeze. I am grateful for the song of birds, the call of frogs and the gentle tinkle of wind chimes. I am grateful for leaves that dance and whisper secrets to the wind.  
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you work joyously towards your dreams and goals today that you may see them come to fruit.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

"You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind." Joyce Meyer

If you are like most of us, stopping by to check out what your friends are up to on Facebook is a daily occurrence. In fact, 757 million of us do it every day. For some, Facebook is a way to keep in touch with family and friends, but for the vast majority of us, it seems to have become a dumping ground for all the bad things that happen in our lives. 

A quick scroll through your newsfeed will likely present you with the woes of the world - including the personal pet peeves of all your friends.  You may rationalize that this is no worse than reading the paper or watching the news and that it really doesn’t affect you. According to a study conducted by social scientists from Cornell, the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and Facebook, it does.

This study revealed that when people are exposed to negative posts they in turn begin to use more negative words in their own posts. When they are exposed to positive posts, they begin to use more positive words. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that some of that carries over into real life.

So what is a person to do when their Facebook timeline takes a negative turn? You could get off Facebook, of course, but for many of us that’s not a realistic option. We have friends and family to keep up with and aren’t willing to close that line of communication. But, there are other things you can do.

  • ·        Create a group for like-minded people – or family – and use that as your primary means of communication.
  • ·        Block negative posts from your newsfeed. If one of your friends insists on spewing the negative on your newsfeed, take the initiative to click the down arrow, located at the extreme right of their user name on a post, and click “Stop seeing posts, but stay friends.” Your friend will never know that you aren't reading all her posts and you can still contact her whenever you want.
  • ·        Find new friends. Actively seek out new friends who share your interests and outlook on life.
  • ·        Start posting positive posts. Research shows that your positive posts are infectious too. They may be enough to turn things around for that Negative Nelly in your group of friends.

Today, I am grateful for a full night’s sleep, for a refreshed body and a clear, sound mind. I am grateful for a hot shower to wash away the sleep, for clean clothes and for shoes.
I am grateful for my computer that serves me well, for spring rain that refreshes the earth and for the magic of seeds that burst forth into new plants.
I am grateful for the family I was born into, for the family I created and for friends I have made along the way.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you find much success in eliminating the negative from your world. Remember the words of Joyce Myer today, “You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.”

Thursday, May 14, 2015

"You don't need to know HOW the universe is going to rearrange itself." Joe Vitale

Many of us face the temptation to use our intellect to figure out how the Universe (or God) will bring our intentions to pass. According to the law of abundance, it doesn't matter whether we understand the process or not. We don't need to worry ourselves with how things will fall together or how the Universe will rearrange itself to bring our desires to pass. 

For those of us accustomed to doing everything on our own, this concept can be a difficult hurdle to scale. I know. I struggle with it too. Yesterday, I set my intention for financial abundance. Although I didn't post the specifics of that here, I did set specific goals privately. If you are following along with me, take the time to refine you goals and write them down in specific terms today. Think of it as drawing a roadmap to your future and always remember that if you don't know where you are going you will end up somewhere else.

I intend to let the Universe work to bring my desires to pass, as I go about my normal routine and hope that you will too.

Today, I am grateful that I can set my own schedule, that I go to bed and rise when I choose, and that I have the freedom to choose when and where I work. I am grateful for the freedom to choose what I will write, for the insight to recognize good opportunities and the wisdom to choose wisely.
I am ever-grateful for the wonderous Universe that fills me with awe, for the ever-changing clouds that travel across my sky and for tiny leaves as they unfurl in spring. I am grateful for the sounds and scents of nature, for the inquisitiveness of squirrels as they venture near my garden chair and for timid deer that venture from the woods.
I am grateful for family and friends who I would be lost without, for strangers I have yet to meet and for all those who have crossed my path and helped make me the person I am today. 
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May your journey be light and your day be bright as you learn to let the Universe work its magic on its own. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

“If you’re thinking of debt, that’s what you’re going to attract.” – Bob Proctor

Most of us spend our lives worrying about making that looming mortgage or car payment and stretching the current paycheck until the next. We have been conditioned to believe that is how life is supposed to work and even rejoice when we squeak by another week or another month. While keeping up with our obligations may be admirable, when those debts become our primary focus, we begin to limit ourselves and reinforce the conditions we are trying to avoid in our lives. 

I'll be honest with you. I am guilty, too. It's not easy to look past pressing financial obligations and envision a life free of those worries. It's not like I haven't been working on it. I have. I've read all the books. I've listened to all the motivational speakers. I am fully convinced that our belief is the key to getting the things we want in life. I have no doubt. Why then, do my intentions fall short and my goals loom just out of sight?

I recently read something - and I must admit the source eludes me - that stopped me in my tracks because it answered my question. It is not my belief that our thinking creates our reality that is at fault. Oh no. My belief is intact. My belief gives me a solid foundation for creating the life I want for myself and my family. 

What then, can account for my struggle? EXPECTATION. I know it sounds strange, but it isn't my belief it, is my expectation that is a faltering. Intellectually, I know that focusing on what I want and need in life will bring it to pass, but I have a problem with actually expecting it to happen.

For me, it goes a little like this: I decide I need and want financial abundance. I set my intentions and release it to the Universe (or God, if you prefer) and then I immediately take it back and try to make it happen on my own. Instead of letting go and letting the Universe (or God) bring abundance into my life, I begin to frantically double-check any source I can think of, as I attempt to do it myself.

That's why I have used a picture of a money tree for this post. I have decided to set my intention and give it time to grow without snatching it back and trying to do it on my own.  As a gardener, I can relate to the concept of reaping what you sow and already know that all trees produce fruit when it is time. So shall my tree of abundance.

Today I am grateful for fiddleheads, dandelions (although I don't eat them) and the fruit of the land. I am grateful for bats that sweep through the night air, for I know it means summer is close at hand. I am grateful for butterflies that soon will flitter through my garden beds, for lupines that stand so tall and proud, and for moss that envelopes the rocks. 
I am grateful for toast from homemade bread, for woodbine that creeps above my window and for the hummingbird who has once again returned. I am grateful for the scent of spring, for cozy blankets that take away the chill of evening air, and for the sound of the wind as it whispers through the trees. 
I am grateful for my family, for friends and for pets that make my life full. 
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May you focus on abundance today as you go forward toward your dreams.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts. Soren Kierkegaard

Consider the thoughts you are releasing to the world, today, for they will color everything you see, feel and do.

If you are like most of us, you probably struggle with keeping your thoughts focused on the positive. It's not a personal failing, It is most likely the result of living in a world that tends to focus on the negative. We are constantly bombarded with messages telling us what we shouldn't do and shown images of the horrible things that can happen if we don't follow society's accepted norms.

Sometimes, warnings about the perils of life are necessary - but when we become so focused on avoiding the negative consequences of simply living life, we get caught up in a vicious cycle. Instead of looking forward to each day with joy, we find ourselves constantly monitoring the world around us for signs of danger. 

Imagine how your life would change if you spent your energy focusing on the things that can bring positive experiences to you life, instead of trying to avoid those that bring negative experiences. Consider how your life would change if you chose healthy foods to feed the body because it improves both physical and mental functioning, instead of viewing it as denying yourself guilty treats because they are bad for you?

What would happen if you sought out positive people to form new friendships instead of lamenting the fact that those around you are simply too negative? Sometimes, we pay too much homage to the things we want to avoid and unknowingly give them more power over our lives. If this sounds like you, take the time today to adjust your thinking today.

Today, I am grateful for the gift of another day. I am grateful for the first rays of light as they warm the horizon, for the tiny birds who sing out in joy and for flowers that will soon burst forth.
I am grateful for honest work, for a clear sound mind and for increasing good health. I am grateful for the clarity to make good choices, the energy to do the things a need and want to do and for the insight to recognize opportunities when they come my way.
I am ever grateful for my family - for children who make me proud, for siblings who have always been at my side and for a spouse who supports me in my endeavors. 
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your day be filled with positive and uplifting thoughts as you go forward toward your dreams.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Someone is praying for the things you take for granted.

Last night I stumbled upon an anonymous post illustrating how rich Americans really are, even if they are struggling to pay their bills and living from paycheck to paycheck. To make her point, the author spoke of the luxury of having more fresh water at the turn of a faucet than we could ever drink or use. It made me stop and consider how short-sighted we really are and how quick we are to think we need and deserve more in life.

I'm not suggesting that we give up our dreams, but maybe we need to take the time to step back and really appreciate what we already have. If gratitude is the key to happiness and finding abundance in out lives, perhaps we need to consider what real gratitude is. It's so easy to say we are grateful for the many blessings in our lives, but maybe that's not enough. 

If you are in the habit of expressing gratitude with all the right words but aren't really feeling it, then take some time to consider what you really have to be grateful for. Forget what others have said. Forget what you think you should be grateful for, and go inside to take a look at the real blessings in your life.

Consider what things you would be praying for if they were suddenly gone from your life.

Today, I am grateful for the spring rains, the blustery winds and the trees that stand strong through all sorts of weather. I am grateful for birds and insects that populate the world, for leaves that flutter in the wind and for clean, fresh water to drink. 
I am grateful for food to eat, for my stove to cook it on and for the skills to prepare a healthy meal. I am grateful for my bed that brings me rest, for soft blankets to comfort me and for shoes that keep my feet warm and dry. I am grateful for clothes to wear, for the luxury of hot coffee in the morning and for my library of books I have collected over the years. 
I am grateful for a clear, sound mind and loving heart. I am grateful for laughter that adds light to my day, for green grass as it begins to emerge and for frogs that will soon begin their joyous song of spring. 
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May you find gratitude today and give thanks for the real blessings in your life as you go forward toward your dreams.

Monday, April 13, 2015

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. Hal Borland

Hal Borland may not have been speaking literally when he said no winter lasts forever, but for those of us in Maine it has seemed like winter would last forever. It's nearly the middle of April and there are still piles of snow covering my garden and raised beds.

The good news is: the snow is melting, the robins are singing and the sun has returned. Our world will likely transform from a snow-covered landscape to green grass within a few short weeks. With spring comes a renewal of the soul.

If you, like me, have found yourself struggling as you work your way to the light, it's time to celebrate the coming of spring. The shedding of winter clothes and throwing open the windows to air out the home always fills me with hope.

Today, I am grateful for the robin's song that has been gone from my life for way too long, for sunshine that melts the remaining snow and for the woodpecker who hammers away at still frozen trees. I am grateful for skies of blue, white puffy clouds and water that trickles down the road.
I am grateful for tiny blades of grass that somehow find their way through the snow and ice and stand proud and tall around foundations. I am grateful for fresh air to breathe, for windchimes that sing into the night, and for stars that adorn the sky.
I am grateful for the promise of another year to grow flowers and veggies in my backyard, for the vision of colors that will soon burst forth and for my garden chair that has silently awaited my return. I am grateful for the sounds of spring that have nothing to do with emerging birds a wildlife - for the far-away sounds that tell me the snow is gone and the muffle of winter air is gone.
I am grateful for my family who is always there, for my friends who offer me support and for strangers who are not yet friends, but who will cross my path today. 
And I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you celebrate the coming of spring with great joy and happiness today. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow. Doug Firebaugh

The snail does not worry that the journey is long and the pace is slow. He knows that setting his sights on the goal and working steadily toward it will get him where he needs to go. Why then, do we insist that we must work harder and go faster to reach our goals?

Maybe the fast-paced world we live in has colored our view and made us believe that speed is the ultimate weapon. Maybe it is because we have been conditioned to think that we deserve to enjoy the fruits of our labor now - not later. Maybe we are just short-sighted and are afraid of losing sight of the goal if we slow down our pace.

I suspect that, like me, you are guilty of expecting to move too fast as you rush headlong toward your goals. I am reminded today to slow down and take stock of where I am, to take a close look at how far I've come and only then look at what still needs to be done to reach my sometimes elusive goals. I will practice doing something every day that will inch me closer to my dreams, but I will let go of the notion that life is a race and that I must accomplish everything today. I will celebrate the knowledge that I am on my way and that I will reach the goals when it is time.

Won't you join me today? Take a moment to relax and make the decision to do just one thing today that will lead your forward. We can always find a way to improve our lives, even in meager circumstances. If you are homebound, do something to make your home more enjoyable. If you join the masses and work outside the home, do something to improve your workplace. If you are like me and work from home, take a moment to organize your desk or hang an inspirational poster. Smell a flower, hug a child, listen to the wind. Do something to start you on your way.

Today, I am grateful for new opportunities that come my way. I am grateful for the rain that promises to finally whisk away the snow, for the deer that bounds across the road in search of green shoots, for the birds who await the arrival of spring, and for gray clouds that burst open and shed water upon the earth.
I am grateful for indoor plumbing that my mother lived nearly her entire life without, for a cozy home that keeps me warm and safe, and for healthy food to fuel the body. I am grateful for great minds that share their knowledge with the world, for authors who share their vision of the world with me, and for artists who make the world a brighter place.
I am grateful for the vast beauty of the Universe, the song of birds, and the smell of spring. 
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May you be blessed with the knowledge that doing just one thing a day to inch closer to your goals is enough to get you there.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The person we believe ourselves to be will always act in a manner consistent with our self-image.

 Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
Self-image is a funny thing. It hides beneath the surface and colors everything we do, yet few of us take the time to consider how we see ourselves and what we need to do to change that faulty image. I know I'm guilty of seeing myself as less able and less capable than I really am and I'm betting you are too. The problem, it seems, lies partly in the little voice that plays inside our heads - but I am convinced it has more to do with our unrealistic estimation of others.

It's not that I don't think others are capable. They are. It's just that most of us look outside ourselves at the world and see successful people who are free from the demons that plague our lives. We somehow think that others are confident and carefree and that they are finding great success in life.

Take a look at social media. Everyone is busy tweeting and posting about their great success. With a quick browse through your Tweet Feed, you will find everything from how to be slim and sexy to how to strike it rich with Internet marketing. Most of us assume those people really are successful with these pursuits. And that's where the problem lies. We assume others are more successful than us because they say they are.

Inspirational writer and speaker Zig Ziglar points out that part of our problem with our self-image lies in comparing our worst to the best in others. We look at their successes and compare them to our failures and assume we are much less successful than we are. We view their shining moments and somehow convince ourselves that those moments represent their entire lives. We forget that they too struggle with the everyday obstacles we all face.

For today, forget about the ultra-successful and focus on you. Consider who you are and what you have to offer the world. If that seems overwhelming, focus on one thing you can do today to make your life better. Clean a closet, write a blog post or do something good for someone else today. Do whatever it takes today to begin to rebuild your self-image one step at a time.

And don't forget to express your gratitude for all that you have, however meager that may seem.

Today, I am grateful for tiny blades of grass that I know are growing beneath the snow. I cannot see them yet, but I know the roots are growing and they are gathering strength to emerge when the snow melts. 

I am grateful for friends who see me through when times are tough, and who celebrate with me when times are good. I am grateful for my children who always support and love me even when I'm old and grumpy and struggling to find my way. Their belief in me is a great source of strength. 

I am grateful for the rising sun, even when it hides behind the clouds, because I know that it is there ready to bring its warmth. I am grateful for spring birds who sing outside my window, for the gentle wind as it whistles through the trees and night skies filled with stars. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts and touch the lives of others via the written word.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May you find joy and great success today as you work adjust your self-image to reflect the amazing person you really are. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

You teach best what you most need to learn. Richard Bach

I have a confession to make this morning. I fell off the wagon. I was following the Experiments in E-Squared and finding success, but when it came to losing weight by changing my thinking, it hit a little too close to home.

I have struggled with my weight my entire life. It is my personal demon. I haven't shared this with anyone before, but I distinctly remember the moment I became "fat". I was about five years old when I was sitting near my mother as she talked to another adult. Exactly who that was, I cannot recall. What she said shocked me and became part of my identity for a lifetime. 
"They say she is fat, but she's really not." You will notice that only the first part of the statement registered with me. I quickly surveyed my body to see if they were right. Although I couldn't see it, I knew they must be, because "they" were always right.  I wasn't sure who "they" were, exactly, but I certainly knew they were powerful. You see, I had experienced the mysterious "they" before. 

Not long before this experience they came and took our table and chairs. I know now that my mother had purchased them 'on time' and that when she wasn't able to make the payments the table and chairs were repossessed, but I didn't understand that then. My mother was frantic as she washed the table and chairs and moved them outside so they could take them. I knew she was embarrassed and scared. I watched out the window as two men in a big truck came and took our table and chairs away. After that, Daddy made wooden benches for us to sit on.

They were also responsible for turning off our electricity on occasion, and were always threatening to come again. My mother would rush in a panic to the post office to pay the bill with a money order. She'd cling to the receipt as her proof, in case they showed up. 
I knew that they knew everything because I frequently heard my mother quote them. "They say you need to drink milk every day" . . . "They say those berries are bad for you." . . . "They say you can't catch a cold from a cold draft." My life was filled with their wisdom and advice.
They were all-powerful and all-knowing and they could come to my house at any time to do what they wanted. They obviously controlled our lives and if they said I was fat, I was.
I've seen pictures of myself at that age and I most certainly was not fat. I was a normal, healthy little girl who happened to live in a poor family who struggled to pay their bills (although I didn't know that then). It is my belief that that moment changed my life. Until then, fat had never been an issue, but suddenly I knew what I was. I was fat.

One could certainly argue that I was too inclined to view myself as others saw me and not as I really was - but I was five years old. I formed my beliefs, like we all do, on what I was taught, and I had been taught that they were never wrong.

I've been aware of this for many years. I've tried to change my thinking about it, but it resists my efforts. It is how I have seen myself for my entire life, even during those brief times when I managed to lose 50 or 60 pounds at a time. It has always come back. Some would say that it is because I resumed old eating habits or made poor lifestyle choices, but I firmly believe it has more to do with my belief about myself than any external causes. Yet, I remain unable to change that thinking.

Perhaps now, you can see why I fell off the wagon when the subject of weight came up. The thought of failing once again in my battle with this demon was more than I could bare. I've decided to temporarily skip this part, because it poses a greater challenge than I can "think away" right now.

But, let's move on the interesting part. I skipped ahead in the book and read the other experiments. Although I didn't feel comfortable about skipping some experiments or posting about it, I secretly set an intention of being contacted by someone I haven't seen in at least 25 years. I made no attempts to locate this person - quite frankly, I scoffed at myself, as there is no reason this person would contact me after all these years. I didn't even think about it after the brief intention setting session.
This morning, I received a Facebook friend request from that person. Apparently, he has just joined the cyberworld.

I don't know about you, but I take this as proof that our thoughts and intentions really do change the world around us. I'm ready to move on with the rest of the Experiments in E-Squared and hope you will follow me on my journey.

Check back tomorrow to learn about the next experiment.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What shows up in our lives is a direct reflection of our inner thoughts and emotions. Pam Grout

As you know by now, my intention for Experiment #5 was guidance for the direction I should go with my writing. I'd  been toying with the idea of selling advertising space on my garden site, Maine Garden Ideas. I'd even gone so far as working on a price list and creating some sample ads, but I wasn't sure whether I should go through with it or not. I hadn't mustered up the courage to approach businesses, yet.

Yesterday, during the raging blizzard I suddenly noticed an increase in 'likes' on my Maine Garden Ideas Facebook page. When I set my intention, I had 126 likes. I am pleased to announce I now have 170 likes. That may not sound like a lot to you, but I went from 126 followers to 170 followers without doing anything different. According to Facebook insights, that reperesents a 1,400% increase of new likes over the previous week. 
Meanwhile, I was contacted by two people whom I didn't know asking me for gardening advice and received an invitation to an establsihed  gardening group with several professional greenhouses and garden writers with thousands of followers on Google Plus. This came to me by someone I have never met or whose name I did not recognize.

I don't know about you, but I can only see two ways to interpret these results 1) Concentrate on writing for Maine Garden Ideas and support the site (and my time) via advertisig or 2) Concentrate on writing gardening articles. I'm counting this experiment as a big success.

Please see my previous posts about my experience with the Experiments in Pam Gorut's book E-Squared. Check back later to find out more about Experiment #6.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

To really believe that you’re meant to be happy is the first step to enlightenment. Pam Grout

Experiment #5 from E-Squared by Pam Grout instructs readers to ask for an answer to something that is important to them and give it 48 hours to materialize. I gave this considerable thought after the results of my last experiment. At 4:41 p.m. on Monday, I decided I needed an answer to the direction I should go with my writing, or rather for ways to earn a comfortable living with my writing skills.

As many of you know, I have been a content writer for close to 8 years now. You can see what I do HereMost of what I write comes to me from third parties who contract with others to provide content for websites and blogs. The work is interesting and it pays my bills, so I'm not complaining - but it's not exactly a writer's dream. Not anymore. As a new writer, it was exciting and thrilling to earn a living writing, but there comes a point when a writer needs to move on to new things and I think I've reached that point. 
The problem is, I'm not sure how to make that profitable. Sure, I'm working on a book - like every other writer out there - but it's a local historical book that isn't likely to gain a lot of fame. It's a labor of love to honor my mother, but was and is never intended to be a source of income.
I don't intend to give up content writing anytime soon, unless some marvelous opportunity comes my way. I'm good at it, it's profitable and for the most part it is enjoyable work. I just can't help but think that perhaps there is something better out there waiting for me.

That being said, I'm not sure what direction I want to take, so I've handed it off to God to find my answers. My ears and eyes are wide open and I'm keeping a tally of anything I think might be writing related. I've noticed an upturn in interest in my gardening site Maine Garden Ideas and I've had a couple of inquiries related to my paranormal articles. I don't know if they are related to my 'request' for guidance or not, but I'll keep them in mind.

If you haven't done so already, please take the time to read my previous posts about the experiments in E-Squared. Check back soon to find out how Experiment #5 is working out for me!
Nannette Richford's Writing Services
Maine Garden Ideas 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Whatever you focus on expands… Pam Grout

I’m a little embarrassed to report that my “Go Big or Go Home” goals didn’t work out as planned. I did break my record for pageviews in a day, but not in the way I wanted. I got the fewest pageviews I have ever gotten in a day on both days.

I’ll be honest with you.  It’s been a difficult two days. I didn’t understand what was going on. I’d check my views in “real time” and have 0 readers (which is practically unheard of). I couldn’t understand why when I’d set an intention to break my record that I would get even fewer readers than normal. It didn’t make sense.
 It didn’t occur to me until this morning to check what I had actually written. If you read my intentions carefully, you will notice that I never specifically said I would break my record for the most views in a day - although that is what I meant. What I actually said was “My intention for Experiment #4 is to break my record for pageviews in one day on Examiner.”  When I read what I had written, I laughed out loud. The experiment didn’t fail; it just didn’t work out how I had planned.
I’m not sure if this was an example of God’s sense of humor, or if it was meant to teach me about the importance of being specific and focusing on the details, but it sure got my attention this morning.

I’m counting this one as a success, even though I didn’t get what I really wanted. I will continue with Pam Grout's Experiments from E-Squared as planned. Check back later to learn about Experiment #5.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Go Big or Go Home -- E-Squared Experiment #4

Okay folks, I'm ready to set my intentions for Experiment #4. I decided that I should either go big or go home. I mean, really, either it works or it doesn't. "The Universe" can bring me something big just as easily as it can bring something little ... so here we go.

This experiment has a time limit of 48 hours. That means that by this time on Monday, my intentions will be a reality.

As many of you know, I am a writer. I write on several topics on Examiner. This site pays writers according to the number of readers who read their articles each day. The number of views I get varies widely, but I've had a couple of block-buster days that I intend to surpass. That's right. My intention for Experiment #4 is to break my record for pageviews in one day on Examiner.  Don't misunerstand me here, This goal is BIG. It means hundreds of thousands of views. I have no idea where they will come from, but with the help of "The Universe" and a couple of high profile links, it can be done.

Feel free to help me out by reading and sharing my work on Examiner, but don't feel obligated. "The Universe" can find readers for me!

Paranormal Examiner
New Age Examiner 
Gardening Examiner

Check back tomorrow to find out how my new goals are working out.

Friday, January 23, 2015

E-Squared Experiment #4

You may have noticed that I didn't post an update today. That would be because Experiment #4 requires me to actually manifest something in my life and the thought of it scared me. That's right. I got scared. I wasn't ready to deal with it yet, so I gave myself a day to psyche myself up and decide what I want to manifest.

I still haven't decided what I will manifest, but I'll give that serious thought tonight before going to sleep. Grout instructs us to set a 48-hour deadline. That means Experiment #4 will require the weekend to complete.

I really wish Grout hadn't mentioned starting small to prevent doubt from interfering. As soon as she said most of us have difficulty with 'believing' we can manifest large things and that our minds quickly become filled with doubt if the object seems to big, I began to panic.
How big is too big? Is a new plant a reasonable goal? What about a book or a new bedspread or bucket of sage green paint for my bedroom? Are they too small? You see my dilemma.

Check back tomorrow to find out what I have chosen to manifest for Experiment #4.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

E-Squared: Experiment #3 Results

I just finished Experiment # 3 from E-Squared by Pam Grout. If you haven't done so already, please read my previous posts about experiments #1 and #2 and the amazing results I got before reading Experiment #3. These set the stage for building your faith in the power of your thoughts.

Experiment #3 involved making a dowsing or divining rod from an ordinary coat hanger. The object of this experiment was to observe how your thoughts control the movement of the rods.

I was absolutely amazed by the results. When I thought about negative experiences the 'rods' began to move inward and crossed in front of me. When I thought of positive, happy thoughts they swung wide open. I didn't expect such dramatic results.

I wondered if I was somehow manipulating the rods to get the results I wanted, so I had my husband, the skeptic, give it a try. Sure enough, it worked for him too - although I will admit the movement was slower and less dramatic.

But that wasn't the best part. When I hold the rods in my hands they put on quite a show, but come to a stop when I 'tell' them to. When I laugh or get excited they spin wildly in a clockwise direction. I'm assuming this is a good sign. The amazing thing is that I can stop them from spinning simply by thinking the command to stop. Grout doesn' share any information on how to put the rods to practical use, so that is something I will need to explore on my own, but I can tell you I had a blast playing with them today.

If you don't have a copy of E-Squared, yet, I certainly recommend that you get one.  Although I am sharing a brief description of each experiment, it is no substitute for the book, as Grout shares numerous stories and examples that bring the concepts to life.

Check back tomorrow to learn more about Experiment #4.

The energy of the mind is the essence of life. Aristotle

By Dream Designs via
Welcome to Experiment #3 from Pam grout's book E-Squared.  You can read about experiments #1 and #2 - as well as my results - in my prior posts. In fact, I encourage you to do so before continuing with this post. Go ahead, we'll wait for you.

Today's experiment is a little different from those we've seen so far. This experiment is meant to illustrate the powerful force of our thoughts.  Grout instructs us to create makeshift dowsing rods from coat hangers (at least they sound and look like dowsing rods to me) and watch as the rods react to our thoughts.

I haven't tried this yet, but I intend to as soon as I finish my daily blog posts and writing assignments. According to Grout, the rods will swing outward in response to positive thoughts and positive energy and swing inward with negative thoughts or memories. I'm already thinking of practical applications of this little gadget.

Check back later to find out how it works out for me! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

E-Squared Experiment #2, Part 2 Results

Experiment #2 Part 2 was a tremendous success. As I shared in my previous post, today's goal was to manifest frogs. I began with the intention to see neon frogs but decided I was being too nitpicky and settled on just plain frogs.

I'll be honest with you. I expected to see frogs on Facebook or somewhere online - but that's not where I saw them. I had to run to the grocery store today and I stopped at my local Marden's to look for buttons for a craft project I want to do. I deliberately avoided the fabric department because I didn't think it would be fair to go ambling down that aisle when I didn't need or want anything there and knew there was a good chance they would have some frog fabric.

I stopped to look at some discount craft items and noticed there were more on the other side of the aisle. I rounded the corner to look into the bin and right beside it was several bolts of fleece. One of them was filled with big, bold frogs that were as close to neon as fabric can get. There were hundreds of colorful frogs covering the bolt.

Next, I drove to Walmart to continue my search for buttons. On the way, I noticed the sign for The Frugal Frog, a little shop that sells new and used items. There were two big green frogs on the sign.

Seeming Frogs were my theme for the day and I'd never been into The Frugal Frog, I thought I might as well stop on my way home and look through the used books. I saw two more frogs on the front of the store and a big old happy frog on the Holiday flag still flying in the front of the store.

By this time, I was amused and thought I'd seen enough frogs for the day. But "The Universe" wasn't through with me yet. I browsed the books and had several in my hands. I turned to set them down on a bench beside the books and was greeted with even more frog fabric. Once again these cute little frogs were brightly colored and some might call them neon. I stopped and counted the frogs and counted 25 of them.

All in all, I think it's safe to say that my day would have been successful, even if I had stuck to the intention of seeing neon frogs.
Don't forget to check back tomorrow to find out about Experiment 3!

“What shows up in our lives is a direct reflection of our inner thoughts and emotions.” - Pam Grout

For those of you new to my blog, I am currently putting the Experiments in Pam Grout's book E-Squared to the test. Check my previous posts for Experiment #1 and the first part of Experiment #2. I think you'll be amazed to read what happened so far.

The second part of Experiment #2 is very similar to part #1. Grout asks us to choose an object that we want to see today. Many people choose cute little butterflies and fairies, but I figured those were a bit too easy to come by. I wanted to choose something a little more difficult.

Initially, I chose neon frogs - but I decided to revise it to just plain frogs. I'm not saying that "The Universe" can't give me neon frogs, but it occurred to me that maybe I was trying a little too hard to make things difficult. I like to think I was reducing the chances of mere coincidence, but I suspect I was really trying to trip things up. Whatever my reason, my new intention is to see lots of frogs today.
Let me remind you that I live in Maine and the landscape is frozen. It isn't likely that I will be meeting any real frogs in the garden today.
 I'll be counting any frog as a sign the experiment is working. Neon frogs would just blow me away.

This experiment runs until 12 midnight, but I'll be posting at the end of the day to update you on the number of frogs I see today.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

E-SQUARED Experiment 2 - Part One Results

I'm closing in on the deadline for seeing purple cars and I must tell you it was an interesting day.When I hadn't seen anything remotely resembling a purple car by late afternoon, I was getting a little antsy. I sat down to watch a movie.

Of course, I paid close attention to all the vehicles in the movie. The cars of the two main characters were light gold and blue. On a couple of occasions, under specific lighting the gold car had a purple tint. In at least one scene, the blue car appeared purple around the doors. I found myself thinking that if that was the best "The Universe" had to offer me, I might be in trouble.

As it turned out the newspaper office had either purple curtains or a purple tinted window. Suddenly the window was in the background of a scene. Several cars passed the window - and you guessed - they all looked like purple cars. I counted a total of five purple cars passing the window.

A little later a scene with an opening in the trees revealed passing cars. Again I saw two purple cars flash in the background.

Although seeing purple cars proved to be a bit of a challenge, I can tell you that every show I watched, including the commercials, seemed to contain a lot of purple. Overall I counted seven (7) purple cars today.
Check back in the morning when I'll share Part Two of Experiment Two. 

We only “experience” things that jibe with our very limited perception. ~ Pam Grout

Okay, folks, I'm ready to start Experiment #2 from E-Squared. If you haven't done so already, take a moment to read my two previous posts about Experiment #1. You'll want to read this one first as it sets the stage for the others. Once you've done that, check out this post and pay close attention to how I almost missed my sign and the lengths "The Universe" (I prefer to think of it as God) went to to make sure I got the message.

Today's experiment involves a little manifesting. It's more specific than the first. Although I must admit that this one has more to do with what we see than with actually manifesting anything - at least, that's how I see it. But that doesn't devalue it, as my results from experiment #1 clearly illustrated how easy it is to only see what you want to see.

Grout instructs us to choose a color of an automobile and set the intention to see it in the next 24 hours. She further asks us to make a note of how many times we see it. Now, that would be easy if you lived in an urban area, but I don't. I live in a little town of under 500. To compound the issue, I work from home and have no intentions of going out today - in fact, my spouse is using the car today and I couldn't if I wanted to.

I chose a purple car. Here's my rationale. Purple cars aren't that popular. The chances of a purple car driving through my town just as I look out the window are probably pretty slim. But, if I had chosen a blue or green car it would have been too easy.

I can't wait to see how this experiment works out!

PS Before you ask, the photo above of the purple car does not count in my tally for the day, as I actively sought out this picture,

Monday, January 19, 2015

“You will not break loose until you realize that you yourself forge the chains that bind you.” Pam Grout - E-Squared

Well folks, my 48 hours are up and I promised you I would give you an update on how Experiment #1 from E-Squared worked out. You can read the details about this experiment in yesterday's post located HERE.  Go ahead and read it now, if you haven't already. We'll wait for you.

I don't mind admitting that up until about an hour ago I was sweating bullets and wondering how on earth I was going to break the news to you that it didn't work. What would I say? How could I possibly come back to you and tell you it was all a hype? How could I save face without lying? I'd be lying if I didn't say I thought about deleting yesterday's post and pretending it never happened, but that was all before my experience tonight.

I've had my ears and eyes wide open since I gave "The Universe" the little ultimatum. I mean really, I figured I owed it to myself to give it my best shot. But nothing was happening - at least not anything BIG like I had expected.  One thing did happen yesterday, but I wasn't satisfied. It wasn't big enough. It was a coincidence. It wasn't the answer.

Let me explain. I am currently working a book about my mother's life in rural Maine in the early to mid 1900s. I've asked everyone if they have pictures of the area where she was raised. I've posted on Facebook and in several groups. No one had pictures.

  • Yesterday, I ran into someone who typically doesn't go out of his way to share information. He suddenly told me he had pictures that he would let me copy. I was excited about this but figured I'd asked before and this wasn't really that big a deal. It wasn't my answer.
  • Last night, a cousin who I've had very little contact with over the years, added me to a group conversation on Facebook. A few family pictures were shared. I was delighted but didn't count that as big enough to be my answer either. After all, she was my cousin.
  • Today, I heard from someone who gave me the name and number of someone who is still alive and well who lived in the same little village with my mother. He is ready and willing to share what stories he remembers. Nope. Not enough to satisfy me. It wasn't my answer.
  • Tonight, at about 8 p.m. - a full hour before my deadline - I was suddenly inspired to start a family group on Facebook to share family pictures and stories. I invited 5 or 6 members ad didn't really expect others to join. Within minutes, there were 27 members in the group and several began posting old family pictures right away.

I was so excited and happy that it took me a while to realize that The Universe had been busy answering my request for two days, but I was too blind (or skeptical) to see it.

I'll be posting about Experiment #2 tomorrow. If you don't have the book, yet, I encourage you to get it and follow along with me. Please feel free to share your experiences with Experiment #1 in the comments! We'd all love to hear how it works for you!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. ~ Leo Tolstoy

By Stuart Miles via
My copy of E-Squared by Pam Grout arrived yesterday. I felt like I'd just received precious cargo. I opened the package and looked at the copy. I ran my hands over the cover, read the back and then set it down beside my computer. I wasn't quite ready to peruse the pages.

I knew the book would require me to think about myself and face up to my propensity to revert to negative thoughts. I wasn't ready to take the responsibility for my own thoughts, yet. I wasn't ready to challenge my beliefs and exorcise the negative scripts I've taken years to perfect.

A little part of me begged me to just leave it alone, to pretend I didn't already know that I am capable of changing my life by changing my thinking. I let it plead for a while. Maybe I was being a little sadistic. I mean, really, I did intend to open it soon and I knew full well that I would embrace the contents. Maybe a perverse part of me enjoyed the whining and the squirming or maybe I was letting it plead its case. I really don't know.

So far, the book has delivered everything it promised. It's well-written, to the point and right on the money. I really like that Grout supplements it with statistics, like: 1) according to neuroscientists  95 percent of our thoughts are controlled by our pre-programmed subconscious mind, and 2) that 99.9 percent of our brain is devoted to things we don't want. (Imagine that!)

I am currently trying experiment ONE. This experiment sets the base for the rest of the book, (Yes, I have read ahead to see what comes next.) In simple terms, Grout instructs the reader to test the theory that the world is made up a "field of infinite possibilities" that you can access at any time. According to Grout, all you need to do is tap into the invisible field of energy that connects us all.

This experiment involves asking the Universe (or whatever you choose to call it) for a sign that it works. This sign must be something that cannot be discounted or easily explained. For example, getting paid for the job you did yesterday can't be counted as proof the theory works - however, if you get a big bonus that was not expected it may be the Universe speaking. In addition to a sign to build your faith, you will also receive a blessing. The real kicker to the experiment is you get to set a time limit of 48 hours.

I am currently waiting for my sign and my blessing. It will arrive before Monday at 9 p.m. Eastern Time. I've tried to imagine what it might be, but stop myself so I won't ruin my own surprise. I don't know when or where it will show up, but I can tell you that I have my eyes and ears wide open today.

Check back tomorrow to find out the results of my experiment.

P.S. Today I am grateful for Pam Grout's book E-Squared and the exciting journey it promises.

Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things . . .

It is easy to express gratitude when things in your life are running smoothly, but a little more difficult when things get rough. We ha...