Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley. Theodore Roethke

by N Richford

Consider the mountains in your life today and cultivate the habit of looking for the path that leads over the mountain.

So often we become so focused on the seeming obstacles in our way that we fail to see what is right before us. Only when we still the mind and look with new eyes can we see the way to the top.

Today, I am grateful for the beauty of nature, for Mt Katahdin in all its glory and the ice covered world that glitters silver in the morning sun.

I am grateful for work to keep me busy, for new opportunities and for time to rest.

I am grateful for family and friends who share my life, for the Internet that allows me to reach across the globe and for online friends who inspire me to reach for my dreams.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you find the path that leads over your mountains as you go forward in the direction of your dreams.

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