Wednesday, December 7, 2011

One who understands much displays a greater simplicity of character than one who understands little. Alexander Chase

As Christmas approaches, many of us become so involved in doing all the things we think we need to do to make it through the season that we forget what pleasure simplicity brings. The smell of the tree, the twinkle of lights and mounds of new fallen snow that evoke memories of Christmas long ago are what bring me pleasure at Christmas. Yet, somehow I get get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget to take the time to simply enjoy the season.

This year, my daughter suggested that we put up the tree early - of course, by early I mean the first of December. Instead of adding all the ornaments now, we opted to just add lights and enjoy them for a spell. It's not that we don't enjoy the ornaments. We do - but a simple tree with lights evokes a quiet charm that speaks to the soul. Later we will add the ornaments and enjoy the excitement of a fully decorated tree.

I strive to live my life with the same simplicity, that I may enjoy what it has to offer without the trappings of what the world expects of me. It isn't always easy, as I too, get caught up in the ways of the world around me. Today, I will take time to enjoy the simple things as I work my way toward my goals.

For today, strive to enjoy the journey as you go forward in the direction of your dreams.

Today, I am grateful for snoring dogs and purring cats, for white picket fences, and for rocks that hold the history of the earth. I am grateful for the sound of rain that brings peace to the world, the anticipation of the first blanket of snow and for Christmas lights that twinkle in the night.

I am grateful for candles that flicker, for houseplants that grow amid the winter, and for the crow cawing in the distance. I am grateful for cold winter nights and warm summer days for that add variety to life.

I am grateful to family and friends who have made me who I am, for parents who have long since passed but live on memory, and for children.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you strive to enjoy the simple things in life as you go forward in the direction of your dreams.

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Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things . . .

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