As you know by now, my intention for Experiment #5 was guidance for the direction I should go with my writing. I'd been toying with the idea of selling advertising space on my garden site, Maine Garden Ideas. I'd even gone so far as working on a price list and creating some sample ads, but I wasn't sure whether I should go through with it or not. I hadn't mustered up the courage to approach businesses, yet.
Yesterday, during the raging blizzard I suddenly noticed an increase in 'likes' on my Maine Garden Ideas Facebook page. When I set my intention, I had 126 likes. I am pleased to announce I now have 170 likes. That may not sound like a lot to you, but I went from 126 followers to 170 followers without doing anything different. According to Facebook insights, that reperesents a 1,400% increase of new likes over the previous week.
Meanwhile, I was contacted by two people whom I didn't know asking me for gardening advice and received an invitation to an establsihed gardening group with several professional greenhouses and garden writers with thousands of followers on Google Plus. This came to me by someone I have never met or whose name I did not recognize.
I don't know about you, but I can only see two ways to interpret these results 1) Concentrate on writing for Maine Garden Ideas and support the site (and my time) via advertisig or 2) Concentrate on writing gardening articles. I'm counting this experiment as a big success.
Please see my previous posts about my experience with the Experiments in Pam Gorut's book E-Squared. Check back later to find out more about Experiment #6.