Saturday, January 29, 2011

The question for each man to settle is not what he would do if he had means, time, influence, and educational advantages, but what he will do with the things he has. Hamilton Wright Mabie

By cohdra  
Often we fill our thoughts with the things we will do when we have enough time or enough money believing that we are powerless in our lives until the magical moment arrives when we have enough to pursue our dreams. But the power doesn't lie in what we attain, it lies in doing the best we can with what we already have.

Each of us holds the power to go forward and improve our lives--to reach our dreams--if we but consider how to use the resources we already have.

Let go of the idea that what you have is not enough to start you on your journey to reach your heart's desires. Focus on what you want and the path will become clear.

Today, I am grateful for a good night's rest, for houseplants that thrive inside the home and for flowers that will return in spring.

I am grateful for effective use of my time, for a quick, sharp mind that allows me to pursue my dreams and for much laughter along the way.

I am grateful for lazy days to allow thoughts and dreams to grow, for busy days to put them into motion and for the faith to wait until they come to pass.

I am grateful for family that continually amazes me, for friends who share my dreams and for old friends who have seen me through it all.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you cast aside thoughts of lack today, and use what you've already been given to go forward in the direction of your dreams.

Friday, January 28, 2011

To begin to think with purpose is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment. James Allen

By Greenfinge
The runner doesn't win because he cannot fail; he wins because he meets failure with determination as he uses his failure to improve his performance. Why then do we think we that failure is the end of the path?

So often in life, we give up on the things that are important to us, we succumb to the slightest hint of failure assuming that all is lost without considering altering our path.

Consider your seeming failures, today and cultivate the habit of seeing them as mere bumps in the road that give you strength and  direction to the path you must take to reach your goals.

Today, I am grateful for  rolling mountains, for untamed forests and the mysterious ocean teeming with life we have scarcely discovered.

I am grateful for the vastness of the universe that we call home, for the beauty of nature and for the unseen hand that created it all.

I am grateful for changing seasons, the rise and set of the sun and the cycles of the moon that sets the world aglow on dark summer nights.

I am grateful for family that surrounds me, for friends who brighten my day and for strangers who challenge my thinking. 

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May you meet failure with strength and determination today that you may find the pathway that leads in the direction of your dreams.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. Author Unknown

By aconant
So often in life we become immobilized by the fear that what we wish to achieve is too hard, too far away or too difficult to attain and turn away from our heart's desires by convincing ourselves that we cannot go a step further.

Seldom do we admit that fear controls our actions. We rationalize and look through the eyes of the world and tell ourselves that we are being realistic, but in truth we have allowed fear a stronghold, as it cultivates doubt and colors our thoughts.

Guard against fear, today. Cultivate positive thoughts and faith and know that you can achieve the seemingly impossible--if you but believe.

Today, I am grateful for the seeds of success that have been planted with positive thoughts and the faith that all shall come to pass as it should.

I am grateful for ladybugs that survive the coldest of winters to remind me that spring is on its way,  for the gentle fall of lacy snowflakes that glitter in the morning light and for the day that is set before me.

I am grateful for those who lend a helping hand, for those who offer a positive word and those who offer up their lives for the good of man.

I am grateful that positive thoughts and positive energy chases away doubt and fear, that I have the ability to choose my thoughts and that I have the ability to touch the lives of others.

I am grateful for a past that has made me strong, for the present that holds great joy and for the future filled with awesome possibilities.

I am grateful for family that I call home, for my children who have grown strong and for the bright vision of their futures.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you cultivate an attitude of gratitude for all you have been given and challenge your fears so that you may go forward in the direction of your dreams.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky. Buddha

photo by Benhur

Sometimes, we become so focused on the things that go wrong in our lives that we allow it to overshadow all that is right in the world.  We are so accustomed to viewing our lives for what it lacks, that we forget that what we already have.

Strive to view your life through the lens of abundance today. Look carefully to what you already have and you will soon discover that what you lack pales in comparison. Tip back your head and laugh at how silly your obstacles really are in comparison to the goodness you have received.

Focus on the good and the just to draw more of the same into your life today as you go forward to reach your goals.

Today, I am grateful for the abundance in my life--for air to breathe, food to eat and shelter from the storm. I am grateful for work that keeps me focused, for electricity to fuel my computer and the energy to do my work well.

I am grateful for opportunities to expand my work, for insight to know the directions I should take and for the courage to follow my dreams.

I am grateful for an unseen force that directs my life, for the awe-inspiring universe that I call home and for laughter that warms the soul.

I am grateful for the people who fill my life--family, friends and neighbors who are always near. 

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you tip back your head and laugh at how perfect your life is becoming as you go forward in the direction of you dreams.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

“If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.” Anthony Robbins

by kakisky
So often we continue on with our lives repeating the same patterns, the same actions--yet expecting to see changes in our lives. The young may not realize there are other choices of action, but as an adult you must look beyond the same old routine and take new action if you desire new results.

Consider the ways you repeat old actions expecting new results, today. Perhaps this thinking plagues you in your relationships--or perhaps your career is bound by old thinking and routines.

Summon up the courage today to step outside old habits and old beliefs and take new action to reach your dreams.

Today, I am grateful for a new day, for new ways of thinking and for the courage to take new action.

I am grateful for the written word that I may communicate my thoughts, for translators that my words may be available to all people regardless of language and for dedicated teachers who taught us all to read.

I am grateful for countries that produce plump ripe fruit while my garden lies fallow beneath the snow, for truckers who bring the fruit to market and for grocery stores that provide an assortment from which I am free to choose the fruit of my desire.

I am grateful for the warming sun that arises and chases away the chill, for bright stars that adorn the sky and for trees that stand the test of time.

I am grateful for the people in my life--for family and friends that add color and emotion to my world, strangers I may never meet and long lost friends from long ago.

And I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May you find the courage to take new action today to bring about the changes you desire, as you go forward in the direction of your dreams.

Monday, January 24, 2011

"As you climb the ladder of success, check occasionally to make sure it is leaning against the right wall." Anonymous

by mensatic

Sometimes we become so focused on success that we become blinded to those around us as we single mindedly go forward to reach our goals. Instead of building a solid foundation, we lunge forward grasping at anything that will further our goals. It makes no difference if our goals and dreams are personal or professional, whether they are simply to earn a living from what we do, or if they are lofty change-the-world goals. Climbing the ladder of success without a solid wall to lean on insures that we will topple and fall.

Consider the foundation of your support, today. Leaning on people, beliefs or things that have not stood the test of time may help you rise quickly, but they will not catch you when you fall. Do what you know is right and build a solid foundation for your work, even when the temptation arises to compromise your principles in order to find success quickly.

Today, I am grateful for furnaces to heat our homes as temperatures dip into the deep freeze. I am grateful for shelter, for food and for a place to call home.

I am grateful for guidance from above as I work steadily to reach my goals, for the vastness of the universe and the knowledge that all will work together for good when I follow what I know is right and good and just. I am grateful for the ability to discern the direction I should go, for helping others along the way and for the help others extend to me.

I am grateful for early-morning quiet that allows me to focus my thoughts, for laughter and happy times that gives me strength and for warm hearts that fill me life.

I am grateful for an amazing family, for thought-provoking friends and brave leaders who blaze the way.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May the ladder of your success be firmly planted on a solid foundation today, as you go forth to meet your dreams.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right; decide on what you think is right and stick to it. T.S. Eliot

by anitapatterson
Sometimes we become so concerned about what others will think of us that we neglect to do the things we know in our heart are right. Whether the conflict is how we raise our children or how we pursue a career makes no difference. Following what you know is right is always the right thing to do, even when it is unpopular.

To reach your dreams and goals requires the courage to hold fast to your beliefs despite your circumstances, despite the nay saying of others and despite the doubts that inevitably creep in.

Listen to your heart, do what you know is right, and it will lead you where you need to go. May you find the courage and strength to go forward today and never be afraid to do what you know is right as it will lead you to your dreams.

Today, I am grateful for coffee--hot and steamy in the cup, for blue skies and sunshine.

I am grateful for leisurely afternoons to read and dream and plan the path I will follow. I am grateful for the ability to direct my path, for washing machines and for socks to keep my feet warm.

I am grateful to for the opportunity to lend a helping hand for those who offers theirs.

I am grateful for family that forms the basis of my world, for friends who share my day and cats who curl up in the sun and sleep lazily throughout the day.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May  you never forget to do what you know is right as you go forward to meet your dreams.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success. Dr. Joyce Brothers

by lisasolonynko
The ancient Egyptians didn't waste time thinking of themselves as failures. With faith and hard work they accomplished some of the greatest feats known to man. Consider the mighty pyramids and the vision required to bring them to reality.

We are no less than the ancient Egyptians. When we begin to see ourselves as successful, only then can we begin the journey to bring our dreams to pass.

Focus on your dreams today and visualize yourself completing them. See yourself as a success and then go forward and claim your dreams.

Today, I am grateful for  the technology to reach an audience across the globe, to enter homes of people I will never meet and touch lives in unseen ways. I am grateful for the ability to share my thoughts and trust that they will bring to pass great success in the lives of others, for the unseen force that guides my hand and for the power to choose that lies inside all of us.

I am grateful for the mound of snow that waits outside my door for it provides water for the earth in spring, insulates the frozen earth below and beckons to children as they awake.

I am grateful for the tinge of light that warms the horizon as it promises the arrival of the sun, for knowledge that spring will return when it is time and the joy of changing seasons.

I am grateful for a clear sound mind that holds the ability to choose my thoughts, to set my goals and go forward in the direction of my dreams.

I am grateful for family that shares my life and children who are ever present in my heart even when miles away.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you see yourself as a success today and go forward to claim your dreams.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. Willie Nelson

by hotblack
Consider the lowly caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly able to soar above the treetops. He doesn't enter the chrysalis with thoughts of dread. Instead, he knows that all will transpire as it should.

Cultivate the faith of a caterpillar today, exchanging old negative thoughts with positive thoughts and watch your world transform.

Today, I am grateful to be warm and snug inside as yet another snowstorm engulfs Maine, for administrators who must make the important decision of whether or not to close schools and for the brave men and women who work diligently to clear the roads.

I am grateful for the ability to work from home uninterrupted by winter storms, for a clear sound mind and for vision to see where I must go. I am grateful for all the circumstances in my life that have worked together to bring me to where I am, for the joy of the day and the promise of a bright tomorrow.

I am grateful for family and friends that make me strong, for old friends along life's journey and for new friends I have yet to meet. 

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts and go forth to meet your dreams.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts will inevitable bring about right results. James Allen

by bjwebbiz     
The gardener doesn't give up on his plants simply because he is faced with changes in the weather or invaded by pests. Why then do we succumb to our circumstances and let go of the hope of reaching our dreams?

Strive to be like the gardener, today, holding fast the knowledge that positive thinking will bring about great changes and that expressions of gratitude will enrich your life.

Today, I am grateful for mittens that keep hands warm, for shovels to move the snow and for song birds that will return in spring. I am grateful for cool water to drink, for healthy food to eat and books to read.

I am grateful for my garden that sleeps beneath the snow, for tiny seeds that will wait to sprout and for daffodils that will emerge through the snow. I am grateful for the mighty bear that hibernates to avoid the frozen earth, for the gentle deer that wanders in the snow and for bunny rabbits that hop merrily on their way.

I am grateful for family, for friends and children every where as they strive to find their way. I am grateful for teens who soon will go forth into the world, for young adults who stand strong against all odds and for the elderly who have blazed the way.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you go forth with courage and strength and never give up --holding fast the right thoughts that will carry you toward your dreams.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”

According to the Laws of Attraction, our thoughts determine the direction of our lives. For those who have grown accustomed to the belief that thoughts merely come and that we have no control over them, this may not be a comforting thought. But for those who understand that we choose our thoughts, or at least we choose which we will focus on, it opens the door to enlightenment.

Before you declare that you do not have control over the thoughts that enter your mind, let's take a moment to explore that belief.  If I ask you to think about pizza, surely you can change your thoughts to images of crispy brown crusts, covered with melted cheese and dotted with hot spicy pepperoni. Chances are you have no difficulty visualizing your favorite pizza complete with topping and may even conjure up the aroma, taste and texture as well. Sure, my suggestion may have prompted it--just as circumstances and events in your life may prompt thoughts--but you chose to entertain the thought and create the image.

As human beings we have the remarkable ability to govern our thoughts and determine the direction they will go. It is this ability to direct our thoughts that determines the direction and circumstances of our lives. Jesus tells us in Matthew 17:20 "... For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Surely, if he instructs us in the measure of faith required to create action from our thoughts, the ability to choose those thoughts must lie within us.

Even though you are the director of your thoughts, there are times when it seems you simply cannot get an idea, a fear, or an annoying thought out of your head. Believe it or not, there is a reason for this. Your mind can not process a negative thought. Now, I know what you thinking. Look closely. I didn't say your mind can not think negative thoughts--I said it cannot process a negative thought. In this context a negative thought refers to your instructions to stop thinking about something. 

Let's give it a try, shall we? Right now. Right this very minute--do not think about penguins. Be strong. Be adamant. Instruct your mind not to think about penguins. What happened to your thoughts? The more you instruct your brain to NOT think about penguins the harder it is to move past the thought. The mind does not process the word NOT and focuses on penguins, simply because it is the way the mind functions. To remove the thought of penguins require a conscious shift in thought.

You probably had no problem erasing the image crispy pizza, but the image of penguins persisted. In the first instance, you simply changed your thinking away from pizza. In the second, you fed your mind a negative command and experienced your mind's inability to process a negative.

So what does all that have to do with your future? Everything. Many of us make the error or thinking about the things we don't want in life. We don't want to be fat. We don't want to be tired. We don't want to be poor. We don't want to think about penguins. In turn, our mind refuses to let go of the image and we release to the images of the things we don't want to the universe. It in turn complies and brings more of what we don't want into our lives.

If you want to change your life. Change your thoughts. Focus on what you do want and go forward to reach your dreams.

Today, I am grateful for the flickering light of a candle that adds warmth and comfort in cold winter months, for rich color that enhances my life and for artists who bring a canvas to life.

I am grateful for the department of transportation that works to keep winter roads clear, for firemen willing to risk their lives to save others and for electricians who keep our homes safe.

I am grateful for weathermen who warn me of winter storms, for news anchors who keep me informed and for television to brings news to the world.

I am grateful for my children who always make me proud, for a husband who shares my life and for siblings who have formed my world.

I am grateful for parents who taught me much, for teachers who showed me the way and college professors who encouraged me.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your thoughts be filled with goodness and light today that you may go forth and claim your dreams.

Friday, January 14, 2011

God gives every bird a worm, but he does not throw it into the nest." Swedish Proverb

Photo by Lemar
So often in life we cultivate the belief that all we need to do is sit tight and opportunities will flow into our lives. We look to the promises of God or the Law of Attraction as the model for our lives, somehow thinking that belief is all that is required to reap the benefits of a full and happy life.

But true belief requires action. Without it, we are simply dreaming. To put the Laws of Attraction into motion, you must be willing to act on your beliefs and seize opportunities as they arise.

To claim the things that are rightfully ours, to reap abundance and to find happiness we must be willing to go beyond the dream and act on what we believe.  Cultivate the spirit of action today. Give up the notion that abundance will come to you and go forth to claim it. Whatever your desire, whatever your dream work actively to pursue it.

Today, I am grateful for a good night's sleep, for a bright new day and for clarity of thought. I am grateful for the passing of the storm and the return of the sun. 

I am grateful for the cycle of the seasons that brings new beauty and breathtaking views throughout the year, for the ambition and drive to reach my dreams and for the insight to take action when action is needed.

I am grateful for family, for friends and for readers.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you take action, today, and go forth to claim your dreams.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

“Memory is deceptive because it is colored by today's events.” Albert Einstein

by anitapatterson
We are so accustomed to the belief that our memories reflect our past, that it may be difficult to accept that what we remember is also a reflection of our current beliefs and values.

We remember the events of our lives by the feelings they evoked, by the values we attributed to them and by our individual perception at the time.

Surely, we have all experienced recalling a memory when a spouse or sibling suddenly reveals new information that alters our perception of the event. What we have held dear as the truth in our memories suddenly takes on a new appearance and we realize that what we remember is only a glimpse into our past.

New knowledge and new beliefs have the power to change memories and in essence change your past. If you are faced with negative memories that cause you pain and discomfort, consider the fact that your memories have been colored my your own beliefs. Let go of old fears of not being good enough or not being smart enough, and look at your memories from a fresh perspective today.

Today, I am grateful that our ancestors gave us the written language and that translators have the ability to transform the word from one language to another, so that all may read freely regardless of language.

I am grateful that the great minds of those before us preserved their words in written form, that we might learn from them even after they are gone.

I am grateful to be blessed with family that I love dearly, for a bright future and for today.

I am grateful for moments to simply relax and take in the beauty of this world, for the energy to pursue my dreams and the wisdom to find my way.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your memories fill you with joy and happiness as you learn to view them in a new light.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon. ~Konrad Adenauer

by superchappie
One of the amazing things about the power of the human mind is the ability to see what it wants to see--to fix its gaze in the direction it wants to go and exclude that which doesn't fit into the picture.  Two people in the same circumstances rarely envision the same future and as a result achieve drastically different goals.

Get in the habit of focusing on all that is good and positive in your life that the horizon may be filled with possibilities and opportunities.

Let go of the tendency to see areas of lack, for there is much to celebrate in any circumstances. Show your gratitude for what you have and set your sights on what you will achieve to activate the Law of Attraction in your life.

Release positive thoughts and energy to the world, today, that your life may be filled with positive energy. Remember that like attracts like. Whatever you embrace, whatever you express, whatever you release to the universe returns to your life. Make sure you are releasing the energy you want to receive.

Today, I am grateful for oceans teeming with life, for desserts that absorb the sun and for icebergs in their magnificent beauty. I am grateful for water that refreshes the world, for positive thoughts that cleanse the soul and for laughter.

I am grateful for tiny seeds that harbor entire plants, for roots that provide support and for leaves that gather food that plants may adorn our world.

I am grateful for the changing weather that adds variety to the land, for weathering rocks and fallen logs that provide shelter to small animals.

I am grateful for family and friends that make my life full, for teachers who carry the load of educating our children and for doctors who commit their lives that we may be well.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share your day. May you see a bright horizon as you go forward in the direction of your dreams.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You are the only one who can use your ability. It is an awesome responsibility.

It's easy to think that the talents we have been given are less valuable than the talents of others. We have been raised to compare ourselves to others to see how we "measure up" in the game of life. That practice brings with it some inherent dangers. Not only does it blind us to our own unique talents, it sometimes fools us into thinking that we can never measure up to the skills and talents of others. But, it is only an illusion.

Your have your own special abilities that differ from the skills and talents of those around you. To find happiness in life and improve the lives of others, take the time to develop your talents. Look deeply and consider what you have to offer the world--you may be surprised at what you discover.

Today, I am grateful for light that allows me to view the beauty of the world, for sound that brings music to my ears and for the sense of touch that I may feel the soft fur of purring a cat or the crispness of icy cold snow.

I am grateful for good friends who encourage me, for family that sustains me and strangers who have yet to cross my path. 

I am grateful for cloudy skies that make me appreciate the sun when it appears, for snowy days that cover the world in silent blankets and for icicles that glisten in the afternoon sun.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as your stop to share my day. May you go far with the talents you have been given.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Seeds of happiness

Photo by N Richford
Everything is material for the seed of happiness, if you look into it with inquisitiveness and curiosity. The future is completely open, and we are writing it moment to moment. There always is the potential to create an environment of blame -- or one that is conducive to loving-kindness. Pema Chodron

Whatever your circumstances, embrace the knowledge that you have the power to build your own future today. Begin sowing the seeds of success and happiness that your life may be full and your future may be bright.

Placing blame on others--or yourself--is a waste of energy and only serves to hold you in the grasp of the past. Take action today and leave all that is disheartening, all that is disempowering, all that is negative behind you. Choose today to make a new future filled with love and happiness.

So often we miss out on joy and peace in our lives because we refuse to let go of old hurts, old fears and old believing. Today is your day to change that. Look at your life with inquisitiveness and curiosity today seeking out opportunities to further your dreams and goals.

Today, I am grateful for multiple outlets for my work, for the ability to rise to the expectations of each and the willingness to let go of the negatives of the past. I am grateful for the unlimited potential that lies before me, for a vision of a bright future and the courage to pursue it.

I am grateful for those who offer me support, for the opportunity to better the lives of others and the insight to know what is needed.

I am grateful for the ability to live in a small rural community while accessing the world via the Internet that I may find success with my career.

I am grateful to be blessed with family that loves me, friends who are always near and to meet new people every day.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you let go of old hurts and old failures today and look to your future with hope as you work to reach your goals.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Positive Attitude Improves Heart Health and Overall Well-being Claims WebMD, Mayo Clinic and NIH

Photo by anitapatterson
 "The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind." - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Although you may not hear it from your doctor, the medical profession is becoming more in tune with the effect our mental state has on our physical well being. According to WebMD, at least two studies have confirmed that having a positive attitude and being optimistic about your future reduces your risk of a heart attack. Both studies followed subjects for 10 years before making these claims.

The Mayo Clinic  supports these findings and suggests that a positive attitude may increase life span, lower the rate of depression, build resistance to the common cold, reduce stress and reduce the the risk from cardiovascular disease.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) receives millions of dollars each year to fund research on mind-body interactions and health and funds research at smaller institutions studying the mind-body connections.

Clearly the practice of cultivating a positive attitude to improve health and well being is grounded in scientific fact and is not the fancy of  New Age movements looking for a feel good solution to life's difficulties.

Consider the scientific evidence and the work of the medical community that supports the health benefits of a positive attitude and an optimistic view of your future, today. Cultivating a positive attitude does more than make you feel good for a moment. It affects your entire body and your overall health.

Today, I am grateful for the ability to choose how I will view the world, for time to rest and time to work. I am grateful for the medical profession that seeks out the truth about the connections between the mind and body. I am grateful for the writings of Deepak Chopra, who opened my eyes to the incredible mind body connections in his book Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you cultivate a positive attitude and look to your future with hope and optimism so  you may experience the joy of improved health and well being.

Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish. Ovid

Photo by demondimum

Sometimes, we get discouraged when our goals and dreams don't come quick enough to suit our desires. Instead of exercising patience we give up and go in search of other opportunities or to test the waters in other areas. 

We will never know how many opportunities we have missed due to our lack of patience, for all things come in their own time.

If you are struggling to reach a particular goal today, use care not to give up too soon. Develop the patience of the angler today as he sits quietly casting his line over and over waiting for the big one to strike. 

Today, I am grateful for the sound of snow as it lights softly on the trees, for the silent flight of winter birds and for the fragrance of winter.

I am grateful for the muffled whoosh of cars as they travel past, for the joy of dogs as they tussle in the snow and for squirrels that prance lightly on the surface.

I am grateful for electricity to light my world, for old movies and well-loved books.

I am grateful for family, for friends and readers who share my day.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your lines always be cast and may your catch be great.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Marching to Your Own Music

Photo by jdurham
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured and far away. Henry David Thoreau

Many of us are so busy trying to do and be whatever it is we think the world expects from us that we never hear the sound of our own drummer. As a result we feel frustrated and anxious. The truth is: we can never fully be what others expect. To be happy and lead fulfilling lives we must learn to trust in ourselves and our heart's desires and look less to what others expect of us.

I'm not suggesting that you disregard the feelings and needs of those around you, simply that you use caution not to lose yourself and your dreams by catering to their needs.

Remember even the Bible tells us to love others as we love ourselves, not more than ourselves, not instead of ourselves, but as we love ourselves. If God thinks its important that you love yourself, who are you to argue? Part of loving yourself means giving yourself permission to be who you are and pursue your dreams. Part of loving yourself means heeding the drummer and marching to your own music.

May you find the courage to march to your music today.

Today, I am grateful for the tiny birds at my feeder, for penguins that always make me smile and for color that makes the world interesting. I am grateful for seeds that lie beneath the snow and begin to grow in spring, for flowers curled up inside of bulbs ready to burst forth at the first sun of spring sun and hibernating animals that are same and warm beneath the snow.

I am grateful for mountains that stand strong and proud, for trees laden with snow and for hillsides covered with wildflowers in summer. 

I am grateful for health and happiness for my family, for memories of good times and a future filled with blessings.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you heed the music of your drummer and go forth to reach your dreams.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Playing the Hand You are Dealt

Photo by Chelle
Life is not a matter of having good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. Robert Louis Stevenson

So often people fall prey to thinking that they can't accomplish their heart's desires, can't be prosperous or can't be successful because they simply were not born into the right family or haven't been handed the family money. For others it takes the form of believing they are not attractive enough, not smart enough or simply not worthy of success and happiness. They believe the hand they have been dealt is flawed.

This self-defeating trap holds hundreds of thousands--perhaps millions--of people in its grip rendering them powerless to change their lives and find joy and happiness. 

But life isn't about the hand you have been dealt by the world. Its about learning to play your hand well and succeed despite the circumstances. The Bible tells us in Romans 12:2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

The key, it seems is the renewing of your mind, not only towards God, but towards life itself. When we accept the warped view the outside world paints for us, we fall victim to comparing ourselves to some fictional image of success. When we are unable to attain it, we then internalize our failure believing that we are flawed.

Let go of the image of your flawed self and the notion that you must live the faulty hand you were dealt, today. Renew your mind by focusing on all that is good and just in your life, give gratitude for what you have and get on with the business of playing your hand well.

Today, I am grateful to live in America where my choices are many and my opportunities are great. I am grateful for the ability to look beyond what others believe and the world expects and see where I must go.

I am grateful for crystal clear skies and brilliant night stars that bid me good morning, for puffs of smoke that streams from chimneys and the occasional bark of a far-away dog.

I am grateful for the flow of ideas, the courage to listen to them and the desire to make a difference in my world.

I am grateful for family and friends who fill my life with laughter and good times, for strangers who carry on with their lives with courage and strength and those who spend their lives uplifting others. 

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you rise above the hand you were dealt, renew your mind to all that is good and just in the world and play your hand well.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Having the world's best idea will do you no good unless you act on it. People who want milk shouldn't sit on a stool in the middle of a field in hopes that a cow will back up to them. Curtis Grant

Photo by mensatic

Consider the time you spend waiting for things to happen in your life instead of actively seeking opportunities and working to reach your goals. Most of us fall pray to thinking that if the Law of Attraction really works, all we need to do is develop and attitude of faith and cultivate a positive attitude and all the is good and just in the world will suddenly land in our laps. After all, the Law of Attraction does state that like attracts like and that releasing positive energy to the universe causes positive energy to flow into our lives.

It really is a lot like sitting on a stool in a pasture waiting for the cow to back up to you. The cow, like opportunities in your life, is there--but you need to make the effort to reap the benefits it offers. To get the sweet warm milk the cow offers, you my must get off your duff. 

Life is no different. If you are practicing the art of releasing positive energy in your life the opportunities are already there. Open your eyes and look around you today. You will likely see opportunities you never knew existed or that you thought the effort required to attain them was too great. 

Get off your comfortable stool today and get ready to attain your dreams.

Today, I am grateful for the ability to see new opportunities, for the courage to pursue them and the energy to see them through. I am grateful for the opportunity to express my gratitude, for it releases positive energy to the universe and reminds me off all that God has given me.

I am grateful for photographs so I may see places I will never go, for that houses thousands of photos I can share freely and for mensatic a photographer who has an incredible eye and chooses to share those views with the world.

I am grateful for fellow writers who have taught me much about writing and shared their resources. I am grateful for Google who provides the adsense program  that matches ads to my readers interests and needs, so that I may earn a living when they click the ads which offer services or products that in turn improve their lives.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your opportunities be many and may you always have the wisdom and drive to pursue them.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happiness is not in our circumstances, but in ourselves. It is not something we see, like a rainbow, or feel, like the heat of a fire. Happiness is something we are. John B. Sheerin

Photo by Beanworks

Consider your happiness today and the degree to which you let your circumstances determine your happiness. If you are like most people, it may never occur to you that happiness is more than a reflection of the things that happen in your life, the attitudes of those around you and the your degree of success --whatever you conceive it to be.

Happiness runs deeper than the fleeting emotions we feel as we react to the world. It resides in the very core of who we are. If you have trouble finding happiness, try looking within.

If you find yourself thinking that you would be happy if your financial situation changed, remember the work of Marci Shimoff in Happy for No Reason that showed us that once our basic human needs are met, money has no bearing on how happy we are.  

Today, I am grateful for renewed energy, for the bright winter sun and for dark winter skies alive with stars. I am grateful for eyes that see, ears that hear and feet that walk. I am grateful for cold crisp air to fill my lungs, for water to quench my thirst and for laughter that fills the air.

I am grateful for pencils, clean blanks pages and the desire to fill them in. I am grateful for wind chimes, pine cones and rocks.

I am grateful for family and friends who share my life, for pets that trust so willingly and children nestled snug in their beds.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May your heart be light and your life be filled with the happiness that comes from within.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day. ~Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Photo by mconnors

As we turn the page to a new year, life looms before us filled with opportunities and unexplored dreams.  Take the time today to really consider what that means to your life and set goals for reaching your dreams this year.

Don't worry that you dream too big, as that is seldom the case. It is not that our dreams are too big that cause I us to fail, it is that our faith is too small.

Cultivate the faith to believe you can accomplish your hearts desires, as your life will follow wherever you thoughts lead. It is up to you to set the sails and determine the direction you will go.

Cast off the belief that people and circumstances control your destiny, for surely your faith and determination are greater than the minor details that appear to hold you back.

Go ahead. Open the book. Begin writing the pages of a brand new year, filled with hope and promise of all good things that will come to pass. Get ready for the amazing journey that lies before you. You have the power inside you to make things happen. It's always been there. Isn't it time you set it free?

Today, I am grateful for a fresh new slate to start a new year, for the faith to carrying through and for the vision to see where I need to go. I am grateful for the "still quiet voice" that guides me, for the power to realize my dreams and the courage to stand by my beliefs.

I am grateful for the drive and determination to succeed in everything I do, for a sound mind that will see me through and for a healthy strong body to support me. I am grateful for renewed energy and a renewed mind that sees clearly where I need to go.

I am grateful for family that share my journey, for readers who benefit from my words and for opportunities I have yet to see. I am grateful for love, for laughter and for quiet moments to reflect on the beauty of nature, the song of the bird and the incredible will and faith of people around me. 

I am grateful for those who share my vision of a bright tomorrow, who are willing to work toward their goals by casting their gaze on all that is good and just in the world, and who know that the real power to change the world lies within each of us.

I am grateful for music that lifts up my soul, for a higher being that knows exactly where I should go and who never tires of showing me the way.

And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your vision is bright and your heart be light as you go forth to realize your dreams in this glorious new year.

Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things . . .

It is easy to express gratitude when things in your life are running smoothly, but a little more difficult when things get rough. We ha...