Photo by grafixar
I've always liked New Year's Eve, not for going out or entertaining guests, but because it holds that magical moment when our symbolic past and our hopes for the future lie in balance, waiting for the scales to tip.
It's not that I don't value the past or that I have anything negative in my life that I wish to put behind me. I don't. It's the anticipation of new adventures, the hope of reaching new goals and the light of a brand new year approaching that I love the most.
In it lies the promise of reaching new heights, accomplishing new things and going new places.
Consider where you've been this year and take pride in all you have accomplished. Express your gratitude for all you have, but aim for more.
Today, I am grateful for the hundreds of people who have voted for my daughter's entry in a photo contest so she may win a college scholarship. Your votes bring her closer to realizing her hopes and dreams for the future. (You can vote here, if you are so inclined.)
I am grateful for the opportunity to share my holidays with my son, even though he is miles away, for my brother who cared for my animals while I was away and for family to spend the holidays with.
I am grateful for another year to work towards my goals, for the opportunity to spend my days doing what I love best--writing.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you view your past with pride and view the future with hope and never lose sight of your goals.
Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights. ~Hamilton Wright Mabie
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sometimes opportunity knocks, but most of the time it sneaks up and then quietly steals away. ~ Doug Larson
photo by cohdra
Many of us are in the habit of sitting back and waiting for opportunity to knock on the front door, but what we don't consider is that opportunity is every where if we but look.
Sitting idly by expecting opportunity to enter our lives with fanfare and announce itself is a bit naive, to say the least. If you seek opportunity in your life, you must be ready to recognize and act when it appears.
Keep your options open today and don't be too quick to close doors that may lead you down the path you should go. I'm not suggesting you follow every "fly by night" opportunity someone puts in front of you--but I am suggesting you consider your options regularly.
Today, I am grateful for the winter sun, clear roads and grocery stores that provide fresh fruits and vegetables in the midst of winter. I am grateful for seeds that lie silent throughout the winter and burst forth into lush green plants in spring. I am grateful for snow laden trees that decorate the wintry world.
I am grateful for talented and intelligent children who express there concern for the world, for family that I can count on and for friends who share my journey.
I am grateful for the approaching new year ready to unfold, for new opportunities to go beyond what I ever dreamed possible and for recognizing them when they appear.
And, I am grateful for you dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your opportunities be many and may you be ready to act when they arrive.
Many of us are in the habit of sitting back and waiting for opportunity to knock on the front door, but what we don't consider is that opportunity is every where if we but look.
Sitting idly by expecting opportunity to enter our lives with fanfare and announce itself is a bit naive, to say the least. If you seek opportunity in your life, you must be ready to recognize and act when it appears.
Keep your options open today and don't be too quick to close doors that may lead you down the path you should go. I'm not suggesting you follow every "fly by night" opportunity someone puts in front of you--but I am suggesting you consider your options regularly.
Today, I am grateful for the winter sun, clear roads and grocery stores that provide fresh fruits and vegetables in the midst of winter. I am grateful for seeds that lie silent throughout the winter and burst forth into lush green plants in spring. I am grateful for snow laden trees that decorate the wintry world.
I am grateful for talented and intelligent children who express there concern for the world, for family that I can count on and for friends who share my journey.
I am grateful for the approaching new year ready to unfold, for new opportunities to go beyond what I ever dreamed possible and for recognizing them when they appear.
And, I am grateful for you dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your opportunities be many and may you be ready to act when they arrive.
Monday, December 27, 2010
“It's not the towering sail, but the unseen wind that moves the ship”
“It's not the towering sail, but the unseen wind that moves the ship” |
Too often in life we devote our time and energy into creating the most elaborate and powerful sails assuming that when we say, "I'm ready" the universe will respond and we will sail onward to reach our goals. We overlook that without the wind beneath our sails, we go nowhere.
Consider for a moment the source of the wind in your life. Many refer to the wind as God, who gives power and direction to their lives, while others prefer to call it the power of the Universe--but one thing remains the same, without the wind, your ship will never set sail.
Get in touch with your wind today as you prepare for the adventure set before you.
Today, I am grateful for a warm home that provides a harbor to the storm, for family that binds my life together and for friends who make me smile.
I am grateful for air to breathe, for food to eat and coffee. I am grateful for warm dry socks, cozy blankets and soft pillows.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your sails be strong and your wind be mighty as you sail forward to reach your goals.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
In honor of my daughter..
I'd like to deviate from my typical post today to share my daughters work. She has entered this photo in a competition to earn a scholarship for college and can use your support. Voting is quick and easy and only takes a second. You can vote twice a day, everyday for the next 45 plus days. To win, she needs to make her way to the top. As of this writing, she is rated as 33 out of 8518. Points are earned both from votes and from posts to other sites, such a twitter, facebook and blogs.
Today, I am grateful for good friends, the generosity of strangers and sugar free French vanilla coffee creamer. I am grateful for family that lighten my load, for writers who share their knowledge and for photographers who capture what the eyes cannot.
I am grateful for holiday wrappings, dangling ribbons and candy canes.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader as you stop to share my day. May your holidays be cheery and your heart be light.
UPDATE: 12/23/10: Her entry is now #28 out of 9251 entries. Thanks for your continued support.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time. ~Laura Ingalls Wilder
photo by cohdra
My wish for you today is that you may find the simple joy of Christmas as your share memories and become childlike in your joy.
For many of us, money is tight and forces us to make changes in our spending this year, but don't let that prevent you from giving.
Give of yourself, give of your time and give from your heart. If you are discouraged as Christmas approaches, take the time now to give thanks for all you have, for surely your wealth is great--if you but look.
Today, I am grateful for the winter sun that pales in comparison to its summer brightness, yet manages to set the world aglow shimmering against the snow. I am grateful for sparkling ice, for tiny prisms of light in every snowflake glittering in the sun, and evergreens that stand proud and tall.
I am grateful for children everywhere who anticipate the coming of Christmas with joy in their hearts. May their wishes be granted and may they find pleasure in all they receive.
I am grateful for the ability to make a comfortable living from doing what I love best, for the many readers and followers I have gained during the year and for the wisdom to provide what my readers need most.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your days be filled with untold joy as you become a child again at Christmas.
Recommended reading:
Sunday, December 12, 2010
“When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.” by Helen Keller
Photo by kakisky
Children have the marvelous ability to see the miracle of life without worrying about being good enough or smart enough to accomplish their goals. A handful of sand, a tiny shell or the glisten of water is enough to fill the soul with the overwhelming sense of peace and joy--yet as adults we forget these simple miracles that make life sing out in praise and joy.
Let go of your fears of not being what you need to be today. There is no such thing as not being smart enough or good enough when it comes to the miracles of life.
Setting goals and working to attain them shouldn't replace the joy of being alive. It shouldn't prevent you from showing kindness, lending a helping hand or stopping to play in the sand. If striving to reach your goals gets in your way of enjoying your life, it is time to take a step back and evaluate the reason you have those goals in the first place.
Today, I am grateful for children who remind us that life is meant to be enjoyed, for photographers who share their work freely that I may bring you photos and for Helen Keller
who brought great inspiration to the world.
I am grateful for this blog that allows me to share my thoughts with you, for the Internet that makes sharing with the world as easy as the push of a button and for my faithful readers who I have never met, but whom I can share my gratitude.
I am grateful for family that is always there, so memories of days when we were young and for bright tomorrows that will surely come our way.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader as you stop to share my day. May you do the best you today, without worries of if you are smart enough or good enough and know that no kindness goes unpaid. Take joy in knowing that your actions bring joy to others and your day will be well spent.
Children have the marvelous ability to see the miracle of life without worrying about being good enough or smart enough to accomplish their goals. A handful of sand, a tiny shell or the glisten of water is enough to fill the soul with the overwhelming sense of peace and joy--yet as adults we forget these simple miracles that make life sing out in praise and joy.
Let go of your fears of not being what you need to be today. There is no such thing as not being smart enough or good enough when it comes to the miracles of life.
Setting goals and working to attain them shouldn't replace the joy of being alive. It shouldn't prevent you from showing kindness, lending a helping hand or stopping to play in the sand. If striving to reach your goals gets in your way of enjoying your life, it is time to take a step back and evaluate the reason you have those goals in the first place.
Today, I am grateful for children who remind us that life is meant to be enjoyed, for photographers who share their work freely that I may bring you photos and for Helen Keller
I am grateful for this blog that allows me to share my thoughts with you, for the Internet that makes sharing with the world as easy as the push of a button and for my faithful readers who I have never met, but whom I can share my gratitude.
I am grateful for family that is always there, so memories of days when we were young and for bright tomorrows that will surely come our way.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader as you stop to share my day. May you do the best you today, without worries of if you are smart enough or good enough and know that no kindness goes unpaid. Take joy in knowing that your actions bring joy to others and your day will be well spent.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
“The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car… a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little.”
~Ben Sweetland
Photo by earl53
Many Americans, it seems, live in a culture of lack, expecting nothing great from the world and quite willingly accepting a life of lack in return. But this doesn't need to be the case.
You hold the power to change your thinking about yourself and your life.Once your expectations increase, you are on your way to meeting your goals.
Today, I am grateful for Christmas lights, for multi-colored bows, and boxes tied up with ribbons. I am grateful for the fresh scent of the tree and my cat as she gently bats the balls.
I am grateful for Christmas music
to make my heart light, for feelings to make my life full and words to express it all.
I am grateful for family that I hold dear, for old friends who send Christmas cheer and and snow that creates a winter wonderland
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you expect much and receive much as you go forward to meet your goals.
Photo by earl53
Many Americans, it seems, live in a culture of lack, expecting nothing great from the world and quite willingly accepting a life of lack in return. But this doesn't need to be the case.
You hold the power to change your thinking about yourself and your life.Once your expectations increase, you are on your way to meeting your goals.
Today, I am grateful for Christmas lights, for multi-colored bows, and boxes tied up with ribbons. I am grateful for the fresh scent of the tree and my cat as she gently bats the balls.
I am grateful for Christmas music
I am grateful for family that I hold dear, for old friends who send Christmas cheer and and snow that creates a winter wonderland
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you expect much and receive much as you go forward to meet your goals.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
When you follow your bliss... doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else. ~Joseph Campbell
Photo by johnwollring
Yesterday we talked about finding your purpose in life
and following your passion. Joseph Campbell, a scholar and professor, refers to that passion as bliss, and reminds us of how important it is to act when inspiration strikes.
Sometimes, taking action isn't easy. You may experience fear or hesitation because you aren't sure how others will react--or you may simply fear that you don't have what it takes to act on your inspiration and pursue your purpose.
May you let go of your fears today and step forth when inspiration strikes and know in your heart that you do have what it takes to fulfill your purpose and your dreams.
Today, I am grateful for a morning off to write about the things that are important to me, for time to relax and refocus my energy and for renewed energy to reach my goals.
I am grateful for the doors that open allowing me to pursue my dreams. I am grateful for light and shadows cast from the sun that beautifies my world. I am grateful for a warm home to shelter me from the cold.
I am grateful for family and friends who make my life full, for teachers who work to improve the lives of children and children who look eagerly toward Christmas.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader as you stop to share my day. May you act when inspiration strikes and go forward boldly to fulfill your dreams.
Yesterday we talked about finding your purpose in life
Sometimes, taking action isn't easy. You may experience fear or hesitation because you aren't sure how others will react--or you may simply fear that you don't have what it takes to act on your inspiration and pursue your purpose.
May you let go of your fears today and step forth when inspiration strikes and know in your heart that you do have what it takes to fulfill your purpose and your dreams.
Today, I am grateful for a morning off to write about the things that are important to me, for time to relax and refocus my energy and for renewed energy to reach my goals.
I am grateful for the doors that open allowing me to pursue my dreams. I am grateful for light and shadows cast from the sun that beautifies my world. I am grateful for a warm home to shelter me from the cold.
I am grateful for family and friends who make my life full, for teachers who work to improve the lives of children and children who look eagerly toward Christmas.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader as you stop to share my day. May you act when inspiration strikes and go forward boldly to fulfill your dreams.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
"There are two great days in a person's life--the day we are born and the day we discover why." William Barclay
Photo by hotblack
Many of us confuse our purpose in life with our job or profession and neglect to find our real purpose.
Purpose is larger than your profession--more than your role in society. You may enjoy your job or relish your role as mother or wife, but that's not your purpose. Your purpose is the over-arching thing you were sent here to do.
You will recognize your purpose as that which brings you joy, provides you with energy and improves the lives of others. According to Edward Diener, a psychologist and researcher at the University of Illinois, one of the main ingredients necessary to experience a joyful life is the belief that your life has a greater meaning. Those who have a sense of purpose in life, live longer and healthier lives.
Some, of course, experience the joy of finding a profession that allows them to further their purpose in life, but that is not always the case. In Happy for No Reason
, Marci Shimoff shares that a 2005 study revealed that less than 20% of working American's are passionate about their job, leaving 4 out of 5 Americans spending 40 hours or more a week occupied by tasks that do not promote their real purpose in life. If you find yourself one of those 4, it's time to find your passion, harness your purpose and get on with finding real joy in your life.
May your purpose be clear, and your path to happiness come into focus today, as your strive to reach your goals and fulfill your dreams.
Today, I am grateful to be alive, for the ability to pursue my dreams and for the wisdom to recognize my life's purpose.
I am grateful for worn comfy slippers that warm my toes, for snow that has enveloped my world, and my husband who tirelessly clears the driveway.
I am grateful to be blessed with two wonderful children who never cease to amaze me with their concern for others, their selfless giving and their sense of right and wrong.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your joy be full and your purpose be clear as you go forth to claim happiness for no reason.
Many of us confuse our purpose in life with our job or profession and neglect to find our real purpose.
Purpose is larger than your profession--more than your role in society. You may enjoy your job or relish your role as mother or wife, but that's not your purpose. Your purpose is the over-arching thing you were sent here to do.
You will recognize your purpose as that which brings you joy, provides you with energy and improves the lives of others. According to Edward Diener, a psychologist and researcher at the University of Illinois, one of the main ingredients necessary to experience a joyful life is the belief that your life has a greater meaning. Those who have a sense of purpose in life, live longer and healthier lives.
Some, of course, experience the joy of finding a profession that allows them to further their purpose in life, but that is not always the case. In Happy for No Reason
May your purpose be clear, and your path to happiness come into focus today, as your strive to reach your goals and fulfill your dreams.
Today, I am grateful to be alive, for the ability to pursue my dreams and for the wisdom to recognize my life's purpose.
I am grateful for worn comfy slippers that warm my toes, for snow that has enveloped my world, and my husband who tirelessly clears the driveway.
I am grateful to be blessed with two wonderful children who never cease to amaze me with their concern for others, their selfless giving and their sense of right and wrong.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your joy be full and your purpose be clear as you go forth to claim happiness for no reason.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain...
“Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vintage point.”
- Harold B Melchart
Photo by kananaskis_country
Sometimes, we become so focused on where we want to go that we forget to enjoy and appreciate everything around us. This is particularly true when our goals involve making money or paying the bills.Although keeping your goals in sight and maintaining focus on ways to achieve them is important to success, don't forget that without gratitude for what we already have, the journey is incomplete.
Take the time to look around you today, and learn to express your gratitude for all that is good and just in the world. You may not have reached your goals, yet--but there is great beauty and goodness around you, if you but take the time to look.
Resist the urge to think that you'll be happy when you attain your goals. As we learned in "Happy for No Reason"
by Marci Schimoff, if we can't experience happiness where we are, we will not experience it by attaining more money or material things. Happiness comes from within when we appreciate what we have already been given. Only then, can we go forth with confidence to attain our goals.
Today, I am grateful for new fallen snow that envelops the world in white, for Christmas lights that twinkle into the night and for the stars in the heavens that perform their own light show. I am grateful for gentle music, purring cats and the sound of the wind.
I am grateful for eyes to see, ears to hear and a mouth to speak. I am grateful for the natural energy to do the things I love, for words that flow easily from my soul and and the ability to change negative thoughts to positive by simply changing my focus.
I am grateful for family, for friends, and for neighbors who keep my world secure, promise a bright future and share my life. I am grateful for opportunities to help others as they meet obstacles in their lives, to share their joy in celebrating their successes and to encourage them when times are tough.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you celebrate all that is good and pleasing in your life today as you work toward your goals.
- Harold B Melchart
Photo by kananaskis_country
Sometimes, we become so focused on where we want to go that we forget to enjoy and appreciate everything around us. This is particularly true when our goals involve making money or paying the bills.Although keeping your goals in sight and maintaining focus on ways to achieve them is important to success, don't forget that without gratitude for what we already have, the journey is incomplete.
Take the time to look around you today, and learn to express your gratitude for all that is good and just in the world. You may not have reached your goals, yet--but there is great beauty and goodness around you, if you but take the time to look.
Resist the urge to think that you'll be happy when you attain your goals. As we learned in "Happy for No Reason"
Today, I am grateful for new fallen snow that envelops the world in white, for Christmas lights that twinkle into the night and for the stars in the heavens that perform their own light show. I am grateful for gentle music, purring cats and the sound of the wind.
I am grateful for eyes to see, ears to hear and a mouth to speak. I am grateful for the natural energy to do the things I love, for words that flow easily from my soul and and the ability to change negative thoughts to positive by simply changing my focus.
I am grateful for family, for friends, and for neighbors who keep my world secure, promise a bright future and share my life. I am grateful for opportunities to help others as they meet obstacles in their lives, to share their joy in celebrating their successes and to encourage them when times are tough.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you celebrate all that is good and pleasing in your life today as you work toward your goals.
Monday, November 15, 2010
We awaken in others the same attitude of mind we hold toward them. ~Elbert Hubbard
Photo by kakisky
It's easy to believe that our attitude would be different, that our lives would be more enjoyable or that we would be better able to reach our goals if those around us would simply get with the program and change their attitudes towards life.
If you are like most people, you have probably experienced days when everything runs smoothly, everyone you meet is in a happy and uplifting mood and life simply flows. You've probably also experienced days when everything goes wrong and those around you are in sour or depressed moods.
You might even be guilty of saying that the moods of others are getting you down.
Consider that your attitude, your mood, your approach toward the day may actually be the attitude that starts it all. Guard your attitudes and outlook carefully today. Consider not how others effect you. Consider how you effect them.
Today, I am grateful for the beginning of a new week, for the energy and commitment to meet my goals. I am grateful for gray skies that remind me that winter will come, for changing seasons that add beauty to our world and for frozen puddles that crackle and pop with my step.
I am grateful for time to complete daily tasks, for cozy evenings to read good books and for the infinite expanse of the Internet filled with wonderful uplifting stories of those who overcome all odds to meet their goals. I am grateful for the ability to filter what I feed my mind, the insight to seek out that which is uplifting and the wisdom to make the right choices.
Am grateful for the people in my life that I call family. For friends who offer support and all the lives that my words touch today.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you guard your attitude well, today and make a positive difference in the world.
It's easy to believe that our attitude would be different, that our lives would be more enjoyable or that we would be better able to reach our goals if those around us would simply get with the program and change their attitudes towards life.
If you are like most people, you have probably experienced days when everything runs smoothly, everyone you meet is in a happy and uplifting mood and life simply flows. You've probably also experienced days when everything goes wrong and those around you are in sour or depressed moods.
You might even be guilty of saying that the moods of others are getting you down.
Consider that your attitude, your mood, your approach toward the day may actually be the attitude that starts it all. Guard your attitudes and outlook carefully today. Consider not how others effect you. Consider how you effect them.
Today, I am grateful for the beginning of a new week, for the energy and commitment to meet my goals. I am grateful for gray skies that remind me that winter will come, for changing seasons that add beauty to our world and for frozen puddles that crackle and pop with my step.
I am grateful for time to complete daily tasks, for cozy evenings to read good books and for the infinite expanse of the Internet filled with wonderful uplifting stories of those who overcome all odds to meet their goals. I am grateful for the ability to filter what I feed my mind, the insight to seek out that which is uplifting and the wisdom to make the right choices.
Am grateful for the people in my life that I call family. For friends who offer support and all the lives that my words touch today.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you guard your attitude well, today and make a positive difference in the world.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
“Dreams are like may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”
Sometimes we think that dreams are just mysterious wishes that pop into our thoughts and our lives for no reason, and treat them as though they are fleeting fancies that belong to the night. Some dreams may be fleeting, but those that linger are given to your for a reason.
Consider the dreams of your heart today. Perhaps you want a better home, a happier lifestyle or perfect health. Develop the courage to Follow Your Dreams
because they will lead your where you need to go.
Today, I am grateful for the break of dawn, for the beginning of a new and glorious day, for courage and strength and vision as I go forth into the world today.
I am grateful for the vast universe that inspires awe, for a human body to house my soul and for the smell of rain and the feeling of approaching snow. I am grateful for evergreen trees that stand strong in winter storms.
I am grateful for family that makes my house home, for holidays to call us together and memories that build strong bonds.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your follow your dreams today and learn from them what your need to learn.
Photo by
Consider the dreams of your heart today. Perhaps you want a better home, a happier lifestyle or perfect health. Develop the courage to Follow Your Dreams
Today, I am grateful for the break of dawn, for the beginning of a new and glorious day, for courage and strength and vision as I go forth into the world today.
I am grateful for the vast universe that inspires awe, for a human body to house my soul and for the smell of rain and the feeling of approaching snow. I am grateful for evergreen trees that stand strong in winter storms.
I am grateful for family that makes my house home, for holidays to call us together and memories that build strong bonds.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your follow your dreams today and learn from them what your need to learn.
Photo by
Saturday, November 13, 2010
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.”~ Willie Nelson
Many of us confuse the cause and effect of our attitude-- thinking that what happens in our lives determines our attitude, when in reality our attitudes often dictate what happens in our lives.
Cultivating a positive attitude towards life, and towards ourselves, doesn't eliminate all the negatives in the world, but it does effect how well we deal with them and how much joy we find in our lives.
If you find that difficult to believe, consider for a moment how an entire day can be filled with joyous uplifting experiences while another seems doomed to bad experiences from the moment you awake in the morning.
It's no coincidence that whatever you set your mind upon follows you through your day. You are conditioning your mind to seek out more of the same. You give the directions and your mind dutifully obeys.
If you are a religious person, you already know that God instructs us to renew our minds. "And be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:2.
Isn't it time you renew your mind today and place on focus on all that is good and just in the world?
Today, I am grateful for food to eat, clothes to wear and a home to live in. I am grateful for books to read, words of wisdom and laughter that makes my heart light. I am grateful for giving hearts and caring souls that populate our earth.
I am grateful for new opportunities within my grasp, for the courage and strength to pursue them and the wisdom to discern their worth.
I am grateful for family, for wonderful children who both make me proud, for siblings that make me strong and a life mate that shares my life. I am grateful for my small rural community that keeps me safe, for rolling hills and majestic mountains that beautify the world and ladybugs.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your mind be renewed as you go forward toward your dreams, today.
Photo by where_ever_i_am
Thursday, November 11, 2010
“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”
“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig
photo by kakisky
According to Marci Shimoff author of Happy For No Reason
, Americans tend to believe they will be happy if they have more material things. This, however, does not prove to be the case. She cites statistics that over the past 50 years income has increased by more than 2 1/2 times, but the happiness level of Americans has remained the same. Amazingly, over 40 % of the wealthiest American's are "less happy" than the average American.
Believe it or not, once your income level is above $12,000 a year, the amount of money you have does not alter your happiness level. So, what does?
You do. The thoughts you choose to entertain, your ability to express gratitude for what you have and your willingness to give up self-defeating ways of thinking and behaving determines how happy your are.
To be happy, you need to let go of the negative and focus on the positive. One way to do that is to examine your life and express gratitude for what you have. Won't you join me today and take tally of the wonderful things in your life that you are grateful for?
Today, I am grateful for the crystals of ice that form on the car windshield creating a feathery display of artistry. I am grateful for crisp white leaves that crunch beneath my feet, for yellow stars that bid me good morning and for cloudless skies that promise a new day.
I am grateful for lingering geese that have not yet flown south, for busy squirrels that leap from tree to tree and for baby animals that will soon take up their winter's sleep.
I am grateful for a warm home, warm socks and soft pillows on which to rest my head. I am grateful for a sound mind and warm heart to lead me through my day.
I am grateful for family, for friends and for neighbors that give me a foundation for my life. I am grateful for parents who taught me much before they departed from this world, for teachers who guided me along the way and for classmates who helped me find my direction in life.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May your happiness be great as you focus your thoughts on all that is good and just in the world the world today.
photo by kakisky
According to Marci Shimoff author of Happy For No Reason
Believe it or not, once your income level is above $12,000 a year, the amount of money you have does not alter your happiness level. So, what does?
You do. The thoughts you choose to entertain, your ability to express gratitude for what you have and your willingness to give up self-defeating ways of thinking and behaving determines how happy your are.
To be happy, you need to let go of the negative and focus on the positive. One way to do that is to examine your life and express gratitude for what you have. Won't you join me today and take tally of the wonderful things in your life that you are grateful for?
Today, I am grateful for the crystals of ice that form on the car windshield creating a feathery display of artistry. I am grateful for crisp white leaves that crunch beneath my feet, for yellow stars that bid me good morning and for cloudless skies that promise a new day.
I am grateful for lingering geese that have not yet flown south, for busy squirrels that leap from tree to tree and for baby animals that will soon take up their winter's sleep.
I am grateful for a warm home, warm socks and soft pillows on which to rest my head. I am grateful for a sound mind and warm heart to lead me through my day.
I am grateful for family, for friends and for neighbors that give me a foundation for my life. I am grateful for parents who taught me much before they departed from this world, for teachers who guided me along the way and for classmates who helped me find my direction in life.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May your happiness be great as you focus your thoughts on all that is good and just in the world the world today.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Things do not change; we change. ~ Henry David Thoreau
For those of you who are not aware, Marci Shimoff appeared in The Secret and does motivational speaking across the globe. I expected to hear more of the same, but I got a big surprise. I expected to be told that I needed to do to find true and lasting happiness was to change my thinking--but I found much more.
The first three chapters referenced actual scientific studies that supported the fact that--are you ready--we have a happiness set-point ( much like the weight set point) and no matter what happens in our lives we return to the same level of happiness within a very short period.
Unless you suffer from clinical depression or some other biological disorder, it doesn't matter if the event is positive or negative. As human beings we return to the same point we have spent our whole lives functioning at.
The good news is, we can reset our happiness meter and enjoy peace and happiness we never thought possible.
Isn't that just amazing?
Of course, one of the ways to reset your happiness meter is by expressing your gratitude for the things you already have in your life. Check back tomorrow to see what other amazing things this book has to offer.
Today I am grateful for wide-open fields, scurrying field mice and fall berries that continue to linger until snow. For crisp cold mornings and chimneys that send up a straight gray plume, for golden lights that illuminate distant windows and dog barks that tell me the world is wake.
I am grateful for the distant call of the chickadee that will soon find his way to the feeder, for blue jays that teeter on branches looking for a frozen treat and mourning doves as they draw close for cracked corn.
I am grateful for family and friends who share my world, for old friends who have gone on to their own lives in their own worlds and for future friends whose path I am destined to cross.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your happiness meter remain on full as you go forward to reach your dreams.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
“An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.”~ Arnold H. Glasgow
Photo by Sara G
According to Discover Health, your brain contains over 100 billion nerve cells capable of transmitting messages. When you have a thought the message is transmitted by electrical impulses within 300 milliseconds says John Hart, a scientist from John Hopkins.
At that rate it is no wonder we sometimes neglect to take action on those thoughts that may be turning points in our lives. Without quick action, they are relegated to the home where all great thoughts must go if they are not taken seriously.
Consider your thoughts today, and be ready to take action when inspiration strikes. Keep a notepad handy and jot down thoughts that may lead you to your goals.
Learning to recognize good thoughts, often referred to as moments of inspiration or inspirational genius, is an important task that requires alertness and quick action.
Today, I am grateful for a clear, sound mind that generates new thoughts and ideas that will lead me to my goals. I am grateful for the insight and wisdom that guides my day, for the courage and energy to pursue my dreams, and for the ability to help others reach their dreams too.
I am grateful for sunny skies after a long rain, for sparkling raindrops that reflect the sun making rainbows across my world, and for clean, soft air to breathe,
I am grateful for chickadees as they prepare for winter, for wild turkeys that strut in the fall sun, and the gentle deer that nibbles in silence.
I am grateful for family and friends that fill my life with joy and laughter, for good books to read, and wool socks that keep my feet warm.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your days be filled with uplifting thoughts that spur you to go forward to meet your goals.
Monday, October 18, 2010
“Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.” ~ Edgar Cayce
Photo by badrobot |
According to Edgar Cayce, tomorrow's questions have already been asked and you get the wonderful chance to answer them by following your own dreams. Think about that for a bit and you will realize there is never an excuse for arriving unprepared.
Consider your dreams and goals for your future and what questions in life they may answer for you. Hold tight, move forward and always strive to follow the dreams of your heart.
Today, I am grateful for clean, fresh sheets dried on the clothesline, for for soft pillows on which to rest my head and cuddly blankets that keep me warm as the fall chill overtakes the air.
I am grateful for sandwiches for a quick dinner, for steaming hot coffee and wool socks. I am grateful for wind chimes that sing out in the crisp fall wind, for bunny rabbits that hop down the road and the moon in its continual change of shape and beauty.
I am grateful for family and friends that I hold dear, for neighbors whose light shows the way and strangers I will someday call friend.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your dreams provide the answers to the questions of tomorrow.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.”~Henri Matisse
Photo by nrichford
Consider what you choose to see today. The world is filled with beauty, if we but take the time to look. Lift up your eyes today and gaze on all that is good an uplifting.
Resist the urge to dwell on things that bring you down for they will surely color your day and blind you to your goals and dreams.
Today, I am grateful for breath, for a beating heart and for life that I might bring goodness to the world. I am grateful for the example set by those who have gone before me, for laughter of good friends and tears that wash away all pain.
I am grateful for summer flowers that succumb to frost for now, but will be reborn in the glorious spring. I am grateful for the changing seasons that remind me that there is a time for everything whether I recognize it or not.
I am grateful for family that keeps me strong, for community that that supports its members and for spider webs that glisten in the sun.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your day be cheerful and may you always keep sight of the flowers.
Photo by nrichford
Consider what you choose to see today. The world is filled with beauty, if we but take the time to look. Lift up your eyes today and gaze on all that is good an uplifting.
Resist the urge to dwell on things that bring you down for they will surely color your day and blind you to your goals and dreams.
Today, I am grateful for breath, for a beating heart and for life that I might bring goodness to the world. I am grateful for the example set by those who have gone before me, for laughter of good friends and tears that wash away all pain.
I am grateful for summer flowers that succumb to frost for now, but will be reborn in the glorious spring. I am grateful for the changing seasons that remind me that there is a time for everything whether I recognize it or not.
I am grateful for family that keeps me strong, for community that that supports its members and for spider webs that glisten in the sun.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your day be cheerful and may you always keep sight of the flowers.
Monday, October 11, 2010
“Dreams are like the paints of a great artist. Your dreams are your paints, the world is your canvas. Believing, is the brush that converts your dreams into a masterpiece of reality.”
Photo by xandert
Consider the world you are painting today. Your positive thoughts and beautiful dreams of the future add color to your world, but guard against the effects of negative thoughts. They can easily ruin your masterpiece.
Grab your belief and begin painting, today. Give no mind that your style is different from those around you. The world needs the color only you can bring. Stroke the canvas boldly. Create what is pleasing to your eye and others will be drawn to its beauty.
So often boldness is seen as a negative quality lumped together with harshness and conceit. But boldness is none of those things when your thoughts are aright. Confidence and faith in your dreams cannot help but build the boldness to step out and take action.
Today, I am grateful for morning sun, blue skies and whispy clouds that meander across the sky. I am grateful for brilliant leaves that flutter in the wind, pine cones that settle in my yard and dirt to catch the seeds and start the cycle anew.
I am grateful for eager dogs who sniff the earth in search of the imaginary beasts that have visited in the night, for squirrels that scurry to reach the fallen nuts and store them away for winter, and cats who chase shadows on the wall.
I am grateful for good food, beautiful music and laughter, as they fill the soul. I am grateful for family that I can always turn to, for children who make me proud and a husband that knows me well.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you go boldly in the direction of your dreams and paint with the brush of many colors creating your masterpiece, today.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
“Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you.”~Marsha Norman
Photo by
By Edwin Dalorzo
Consider your dreams today and realize they will lead you were you need to go. They are not fleeting fancies sent to entertain your soul. In them lies insight and wisdom to guide your life. Take time to examine your dreams and turn them into goals--and then go forward in the direction of your dreams.
Today, I am grateful for the coming of fall, the robins that gather to feast before their long flight south and for crawling insects that take harbor beneath rocks and stones.
I am grateful for the honor of living another day, for the grace to say goodbye to those whose time has come, and the wisdom to enjoy those who remain.
I am grateful for shelter from the storm, for food to nourish the body and friends who nourish the soul. I am grateful for family that lets me know I am loved, for friends who lend a caring hand and children who bring joy into the world.
I am grateful for books to read, for writers who write, and for the teacher who taught me to read.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your heart be light and you vision clear as you go forward in the direction of your dreams
Photo by

Consider your dreams today and realize they will lead you were you need to go. They are not fleeting fancies sent to entertain your soul. In them lies insight and wisdom to guide your life. Take time to examine your dreams and turn them into goals--and then go forward in the direction of your dreams.
Today, I am grateful for the coming of fall, the robins that gather to feast before their long flight south and for crawling insects that take harbor beneath rocks and stones.
I am grateful for the honor of living another day, for the grace to say goodbye to those whose time has come, and the wisdom to enjoy those who remain.
I am grateful for shelter from the storm, for food to nourish the body and friends who nourish the soul. I am grateful for family that lets me know I am loved, for friends who lend a caring hand and children who bring joy into the world.
I am grateful for books to read, for writers who write, and for the teacher who taught me to read.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your heart be light and you vision clear as you go forward in the direction of your dreams
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
To change one's life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions. ~William James
by matthew_hull |
Consider the changes you desire
If there are areas in your life that need change, let today be the day that you step forward and begin the journey.
Today, I am grateful for the vastness of the universe, the beauty of the earth, and rainbows. I am grateful for grand oceans that teem with life, for mighty rivers that carry water back to the sea, and for meandering brooks that shimmer in the sunlight.
I am grateful for family that provides a solid foundation, for friends who brighten my way, and for neighbors who share my world.
I am grateful for the soft purr of loving cats, the graceful flight of birds, and the sound of rain. I am grateful for trees that bring beauty to the world and provide fresh air to breathe. I am grateful for mighty rocks and tiny pebbles that punctuate the earth.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share your day. May you be filled with courage and strength today, as you take the leap to make the changes you desire to see in your life.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”~ Ovid
by seemann |
Take time to rest today and resist the urge to make your work all-consuming. Consider why you have the goals in the first place. For most of us, they are a way to improve the quality of our lives, but when they begin to take over every waking moment, we defeat their purpose.
Rest your mind and your body today, if possible. If today is not an option, set aside a day soon that you can devote to rest. You deserve it.
Today, I am grateful for solitude that refreshes my soul, for the freedom to choose rest, and the ability to enjoy it. I am grateful for the distant cry of the blue jay that announces "the feeder is full," for the tiny hummingbird that has not yet winged his way south, and stray flowers that continue to bloom.
I am grateful for bright blue skies and scattered white clouds and the soft flutter of leaves in the morning air.
I am grateful for family and friends. May their hearts be filled with warmth and their days filled with joy.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May you find rest from your work and comfort for the soul.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.~Harriet Tubman
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photo courtesy of NASA |
Consider your passions today for they will guide you to your goals. Practice doing what you love and you will find ways to go beyond what you ever dreamed possible. Your passion will carry you through, but you need to be ready to follow wherever your passion leads.
Whether you are a writer, an artist or simply want to make the world a better place, you can do it by following your heart and your passion.
Look for opportunities to use your skills and passion to go forward, today.
Today, I am grateful
I am grateful for brightly colored leaves that bid farewell to summer and announce the arrival of fall, for pungent fragrance of fallen leaves and winter birds that return to my feeder.
I am grateful for country air, the magnificent blue jay and chickadees that sing their merry song. I am grateful for the ability to reach the world from the comfort of my home, for computers that make my task easy, and for electricity to keep my world afloat.
I am grateful for family and friends who make my life whole, for little children who relish the wonders of newly fallen leaves, and dogs that chase busy squirrels as they prepare for winter.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your passion be great and and your heart be warm as you go forth to pursue your dreams
Friday, September 17, 2010
Don't turn away from possible futures before you're certain you don't have anything to learn from them. ~Richard Bach
Consider all your choices today and use caution with discarding possible paths to your goals simply because they aren't what you expected.
In the movie Beyond the Secret
Today, I am grateful for those who choose to share their insights and knowledge of the world, for freedom of choice that allows me to find my own path, and for intuition to guide my day.
I am grateful for an open mind that allows me to consider the world from varying viewpoints, for a sound clear mind with which to think, and for a heart that beats.
I am grateful for family and friends who fill my day, for afternoon naps, and kittens.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May you take the time to consider all paths to your goals before casting them aside without thought.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal. Pamela Vaull Starr
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photo by NASA |
Consider your deepest dreams, today. Work to transform them into goals
If you haven't done so already, begin writing down short term goals that take you closer to where you ultimately want to go. Not only does this clarify what you really want in life, it provides a road map leading to your dreams.
Start small, if you need to. There is no time limit on reaching your goals
Today, I am grateful for old friends who encourage me, new friends that share common goals and those who spur me to look at life in varying ways. I am grateful for family, for community and laughter.
I am grateful for fall flowers that continue to bloom as frost draws near, for trees that dance in brisk fall winds, and dappled sunlight that drifts through my window.
I am grateful for opportunities to expand my craft, for the time to devote to reaching out to others, and for the wisdom to see their needs.
I am grateful for the infinite beauty of the Universe.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop to share my day. May your dreams be big and your goals be clear as you go forward to make a better day.
Monday, September 13, 2010
“You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.” Mary Manin Morrissey
Photo By: nasirkhan |
Consider the effect of fear on your ability to reach your goals today.If you allow fear to become boulders in your path, you will never reach the water's edge. Clear away the fear that you may follow the path to reach your goals and dreams today.
Today, I am grateful
I am grateful for gravity, for whirling gasses that make up the sun and far-away-stars that hold mysteries we are yet to learn. I am grateful for the vastness of the universe that gives rise to contemplation of our place in life, for open fields that allow wildflowers to grow and for the great ocean that teems with life, yet undiscovered.
I am grateful for the people who have entered my life and those who I have yet to meet. I am grateful for family and pets to keep me company.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May you clear away the fear and follow your path to reach your dreams today.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
We always have time enough if we but use it aright.~Goethe
by Gracey |
Consider your use of time today. In our hurried lives many of us rush through the day racing to meet our obligations and complete tasks without regard to the passage of time. Somehow we believe that we will have time left over to do the things we want to do. That is rarely the case. As Americans, we often fill our days with useless tasks that rob us of valuable time, even if the task is unnecessary or unproductive.
I started reading the book The Time Paradox
I was struck by the assertion that with the onset of the industrial revolution, man transitioned from selling his services to selling his time. In exchange for a wage, man decided to sell eight or more hours of his time every day to another. I had never thought of it that way, but surely it is true.
Consider who and what you sell your time to today. Guard it wisely using it for the things that really matter in your life.
Today, I am grateful for the ability to decide how I will spend my time, for the wisdom to choose wisely and the desire to eliminate useless time wasters from my life.
I am grateful for organizational skills that allow me to structure my day, for leisurely moments that allow time to stand still and for time enough to reach my goals.
I am grateful for people who pass through my life and teach me what I need to know. For insight that comes swiftly in the breeze, for the courage to stand fast on my dreams and the quiet peace that comes from nature.
I am grateful for family and friends who share my time on earth, for cats curling up in the morning sun and trees.
And, I am grateful for you, dear reader, as you stop and share my day. May you use your time wisely and be ever conscious of who and what you are willing to sell your time to.
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Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things . . .
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